Organic Co-Op Rawesome Foods: Security Camera Footage of Police (Guns Drawn) Raid

August 5th, 2010

As the state stupidly tries to crush suppliers of delicious, nutritious and safe food, people become radicalized. For our purposes, radicalized means increasingly seeking out and paying cash or bartering for outlaw meat, raw milk, free range eggs, heirloom vegetables, etc.

The person who feels empowered by supplying and/or consuming delicious, nutritious and safe food and then witnesses the state’s fascist response, thinks, “If the state is my enemy when it comes to something as basic as food, in what other ways does the state threaten my security?”

That’s it. Lesson learned. The floodgates are open.

Cryptogon, March 16th, 2010

As usual, keep hammering the food issue. The more the state responds with guns drawn, the more powerful we become. This kind of maniac fascism just increases awareness and demand.

Via: Los Angeles Times:

With no warning one weekday morning, investigators entered an organic grocery with a search warrant and ordered the hemp-clad workers to put down their buckets of mashed coconut cream and to step away from the nuts.

Then, guns drawn, four officers fanned out across Rawesome Foods in Venice. Skirting past the arugula and peering under crates of zucchini, they found the raid’s target inside a walk-in refrigerator: unmarked jugs of raw milk.

“I still can’t believe they took our yogurt,” said Rawesome volunteer Sea J. Jones, a few days after the raid. “There’s a medical marijuana shop a couple miles away, and they’re raiding us because we’re selling raw dairy products?”

Cartons of raw goat and cow milk and blocks of unpasteurized goat cheese were among the groceries seized in the June 30 raid by federal, state and local authorities — the latest salvo in the heated food fight over what people can put in their mouths.

2 Responses to “Organic Co-Op Rawesome Foods: Security Camera Footage of Police (Guns Drawn) Raid”

  1. The cops are extremely well-fed.
    Or else they are using STEROIDS.

    Come to think of it, I haven’t seen any pictures of skinny cops lately.

  2. lagavulin says:

    It’s good to see this finally getting covered in the MSM. And you’re right on your comment, Kevin, about this “increasing awareness and demand”. The magazine Grist did a piece on this a couple weeks ago, and they mentioned that agencies like DATCP (Dept of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection) here in Wisconsin might be re-considering some of their Gestapo tactics, because it’s only serving to draw attention to the real issue of freedom to choose healthy food. In fact Aajonus Vonderplanitz claims the membership of Rawesome Foods has jumped by about 200 people since this raid happened.

    What’s interesting is that most of these State “protection” agencies have a very two-faced attitude to this growing movement. The local foods movement is a very hot topic in State Gov’t right now, so at the same time that DATCP is raiding farmers and consumers (who enter into mutual buying agreements), they’re also sponsoring farm-to-school programs and “educating” small farms as to the “correct” way to make direct farm sales.

    The State knows it can’t stop this movement, but they definitely want to control it — and ultimately, to ensure it doesn’t jeopardize the Corporate Food Industry’s monopolization.

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