March 23: This Day in History
March 24th, 2010Here’s an interesting coincidence:
March 23, 1933: Germany: The Enabling Act
Via: Wikipedia:
The Enabling Act (German: Ermächtigungsgesetz) was passed by Germany’s Reichstag and signed by President Paul von Hindenburg on March 23, 1933. It was the second major step, after the Reichstag Fire Decree, through which Chancellor Adolf Hitler legally obtained plenary powers and established his dictatorship. It received its name from its legal status as an enabling act granting the Cabinet the authority to enact laws without the participation of the Reichstag for four years.
The formal name of the Enabling Act was Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich (English: Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and the Nation).
March 23, 2010: U.S.: President Obama Signs Historic Healthcare Reform Into Law
Via: Reuters:
A jubilant President Barack Obama signed the most sweeping U.S. social policy legislation in decades into law on Tuesday, putting his name on a healthcare bill that will help shape his legacy and the Democrats’ chances of holding on to power in Congress.