U.S. Intelligence Cleared to Assassinate Americans Without Trial

February 8th, 2010

The difference between past eras and now is that a person who’s high up the kill chain is publicly admitting that the U.S. regime has given itself the power to murders its own citizens.

Via: ABC News:

The director of national intelligence affirmed rather bluntly today that the U.S. intelligence community has authority to target American citizens for assassination if they present a direct terrorist threat to the United States.

“We take direct actions against terrorists in the intelligence community; if … we think that direct action will involve killing an American, we get specific permission to do that,” Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair told the House Intelligence Committee.

2 Responses to “U.S. Intelligence Cleared to Assassinate Americans Without Trial”

  1. Zenc says:

    Even as they are openly admitting that they’re violating Constitutional requirements of Due Process, they are lowering the bar on what’s considered “terrorism”.

    Take for example the MIAC Report, The Virginia Fusion Center Terror Assessment, The Homeland Security Right Wing Extremism Assessment, The Homeland Security Extremism Lexicon, this story where the government labels people as “Paper Terrorists” and the DOD training all employees that any dissent at all is “terrorism”.

    When added together, a frightening picture emerges.
    Dare resist them and they reserve the right to kill you, without Trial or Due Process.

    Makes you wonder, who are the real terrorists?

  2. dagobaz says:

    just exactly where in the constitution does it say that a person my be deprived of life,liberty, or property without due process if he is ACCUSED of terrorism by a government apparatchik ?

    hmm ?

    how wonderful it is to live in a constitution-free zone !


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