Kucinich on Democrats: “Are you kidding me?”

January 24th, 2010

Welcome to the desert of the real, Representative Kucinich.

Via: Raw Story:

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) on Wednesday said the Massachusetts election was a “wake up call” for Democrats and that his party had better change course or it could suffer devastating losses come November.

“People elected Democrats in 2008 to change the country’s direction,” he told Raw Story in a nearly hour-long interview.

“And the same entrenched interests that George Bush could not shake, this current White House is having great difficulty in shaking. One could suggest they might be more entrenched than ever.”

Kucinich staunchly defended liberalism but alleged that Democrats are not behaving like liberals.

“There’s nothing liberal about the bailouts. There’s nothing liberal about standing by and watching banks use public money to get their executive bonuses. There’s nothing liberal about giving insurance companies carte blanche to charge anything they want for health care… Since when did that become liberal?”

“There’s nothing liberal about letting coal and oil write climate change legislation,” he added. “Are you kidding me?”

The 13-year congressman lamented the lack of change in economic policies, tying it to the major problems Democrats are facing.

“The minute the president appointed Tim Geithner and Larry Summers to key policy positions, and the minute that [Ben] Bernanke was named to head the Fed again, we’re looking at people who participated in the decline of the economy,” he said. “This group has done us a disservice.”

“Every area of the economy is still about taking wealth from the great mass of people and putting it into the hands of a few. If you don’t have a economic democracy, you don’t have a political democracy.”

“We have to be more defined as being on the side of the people and not on the side of interest groups that are so entrenched,” said Kucinich, who is widely regarded as a champion on progressive issues.

3 Responses to “Kucinich on Democrats: “Are you kidding me?””

  1. anothernut says:

    “If you don’t have a economic democracy, you don’t have a political democracy.”

    Truer words were never spoke.

  2. tochigi says:

    all together now: T-I-N-A !!!

    plus ca…

    “sorry, i just don’t have any change to spare, buddy.”

    i know of many—supposedly—intelligent people who still believe that oh-bommer & co. are really a substantive change from the previous band of war-criminal-kreptocrats. these people (the believers) go on and on about evidence and science and cock-ups-not-conspiracies. but they still credulously believe that there is a difference between the red team and the blue team despite copious evidence to the contrary. i have begun to form the opinion that this delusional thinking is highly intertwined with ego and self image. but i try to avoid freudianist analysis as much as possible. Orwell seemed to work it out quite well in the 1940s. maybe i should go back and read more of him…

  3. anothernut says:

    “i have begun to form the opinion that this delusional thinking is highly intertwined with ego and self image”

    My take: there are a lot of perks offered by the herd in return for subscribing to its quite-often ludicrous beliefs, and of course various punishments for those who think for themselves (and follow up this thinking with “aberrant” behavior); all of us know this at an instinctual level at least, and most of us never even consider bucking the trend. Hence the current state of humanity.

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