“One Month from The Anniversary, I’m Thinking Another 9/11 Would Help America.”

August 11th, 2007

“Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don’t want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

—Hermann Goering

It works the same in any country.

Via: philly.com:

ONE MONTH from The Anniversary, I’m thinking another 9/11 would help America.

What kind of a sick bastard would write such a thing?

A bastard so sick of how splintered we are politically – thanks mainly to our ineptitude in Iraq – that we have forgotten who the enemy is.

America’s fabric is pulling apart like a cheap sweater.

What would sew us back together?

Another 9/11 attack.

The Golden Gate Bridge. Mount Rushmore. Chicago’s Wrigley Field. The Philadelphia subway system. The U.S. is a target-rich environment for al Qaeda.

Is there any doubt they are planning to hit us again?

If it is to be, then let it be. It will take another attack on the homeland to quell the chattering of chipmunks and to restore America’s righteous rage and singular purpose to prevail.

14 Responses to ““One Month from The Anniversary, I’m Thinking Another 9/11 Would Help America.””

  1. Meh says:

    al Quaida = Dick & co. GWB is too stupid. But yes he does plan another attack on target rich U.S. in order to get us into Iran. One need look no further than missing U.S. arms turning up in insurgent hands being blamed on Iran. Hello people – the writing on the wall couldn’t be any plainer. Destroy the U.S. so it can, more, easily be merged into the NAU. Use a new Cold War to help fuel it and if that’s not quite enough add in China on Russia’s side for extra impact. It’s a sick friggen game any more. I studied International Relations in college only to end up thoroughly disgusted with what I see. There are only two reasons for a One World Government – which is the desired outcome of all said manuevering 1. Greed of a few to have power over all 2. A unified Earth so as to facilitate a consolidated presence at a multi-planetary table i.e. Earthlings vs Alien races. Sovereign National identities is an out moded concept that needs to parish. Unfortunately 99.9% of the worlds population can’t understand the concepts nor would they trust going right into a consolidated world governance. It will happen. It’s the only way this planet can survive aliens or no. One country vs the rest cannot sustain natural resources nor can they fight to keep the planet clean enough to sustain life. It’s absolutely necessary for the world to unite under one power to gain the type of compliance needed to save the earth from individual sovereign nations industrializing (i.e. destroying the environment e.g. China right now) over the next century. The time is now. And Corporatizing is NOT the answer. Unfortunately a totalitarian regime is needed to kick things off. Once things are rolling we can lighten up but . . .

  2. Jim Burke says:

    That quote from Herman is one I have been posting for a long time.
    My Austrian friends have been worried, very worried about American policy.
    I’m not. I know what we will do. The NeoCons will have their way.
    Hillary will make sure it happens, even if Little Georgy doesn’t.

  3. Glenda says:

    “Is there any doubt they are planning to hit us again?”

    Only if they fear being exposed. We’re watching this time. This zionist sock puppet should be bit more careful.

  4. Bill S. says:

    at stubyko@phillynews.com

    I hope you and your family are killed in the next one. Yeah you.
    I don’t know you ; you’re anonymous to me.
    I lost enough friends/ teammates/ fellow alumni in the last one.
    I volunteer you and all of you neocon pricks and particularly your families;
    you know your wives, daughters, sisters, mothers and sons to be the next
    victims. I can’t fucking wait .

    Then I can get angry again and wave my American flag,
    sing God Bless America and lay down to the police state that my country has become.
    Sorry to see you go (not really) but it is for the “better good”.

    Oh don’t forget to duck!


  5. freeacre says:

    Here’s a copy of an e-mail that I sent to the author of that despicable piece:

    That is brilliant! You should be working for Vice President Chaney. I’m sure he has been thinking the same thing.

    So, for the ignorant and self-obsessed Americans, we should experience some sort of 9/11 event again so that we can feel “united,” and subsequently plunge ourselves even more in debt to China and kill another million civilians so that the Haliburton crowd can collect more zeros in their bankbooks as they look out of their windows in Dubai.

    How about a limited nuclear exchange? Just a nice, little one that will scorch the earth for a couple of thousand years, and kill, maime and genetically alter maybe half-a-million civilians in one of our cities. Would that make us feel good enough, do you think?

    It is, after all, about feeling good. Not doing good or being good, but feeling good.

    One can only hope that it lands on you first, you pathetic asshole.

    pam cosmo
    la pine, Oregon

  6. murph says:


    Has it occurred to you just how naive and silly that concept of a world government is? I gather your international relations classes did not include any psychology courses, or study of ancient history. I would also like to have an example where a totalitarian regime ever relinquished power voluntarily; for the good of humanity you know. I have no argument concerning the evils of corporatism, but any form of governance that depends on a top down decision making is automatically open to power grabs and corruption. Look at our own situation for confirmation. As many checks and balances that were built into our government, it was succumbing to the greed and corruption almost from the very beginning. We are only seeing a 250 year culmination of this trend. Your adolescent thinking on this was cute in the 70’s, but doesn’t cut the mustard. In effect what you are advocating is just another form of slavery to some god almighty power block that holds the populations life in their hands.

    It would be better for you to rethink this concept.

  7. JimDandy says:

    I’m thinking Houston might be a primo target for Al Qaida.

  8. Who says the country was united after 9/11? Perhaps the media and the government presented the illusion of a country united, but that’s all it was, an illusion. What this really means is that the spell has just about worn off and they want another event to sustain it. But that assumes it worked in the first place. Or perhaps people aren’t consuming as much media as they did right after 9/11.

  9. Angelo says:

    There is a pressing need for unitary action on a global scale, how this will emerge is uncertain, though the knowledge of this need is the driving force behind all top down consolidation. Those in the ‘know’ well understand this need and are fulfilling a role they deem to be theirs. Change comes quickly, lives come and go, ideas emerge and submerge. Old structures built with old purposes can be retrofitted to house new purposes. The UN is just such a structure that in my estimation will undergo vast upheavals in the times not too far off. The idea of the wise counsel must be re-enlivened.

    Politics is nearly dead, its soon time for a fresh perspective where a new definition of the word ‘leader’ demands not political skill but inherent wisdom and vision.

  10. anothernut says:

    an irony: a site like cryptogon has been deemed a “hate site”, by google, but this guy, who’s literally calling for the death of thousands or more Americans, is spun as a patriot. I’ll bet philly.com isn’t worried about its viability. On the contrary, their ad revenue probably just when through the roof.

  11. At least 3 different people have mentioned/predicted San Francisco as a hypothetical target of terror attacks for the upcoming 2 months. Anyone familiar with government false flag operations knows the US conducts practice dry-run scenarios prior to the actual false-flag attack (Pentagon, OK City, Judy Bari are a few examples).

    Most Bay Area residents have probably forgotten 1999’s Operation Urban Warrior, conducted in San Francisco and a few other US cities:
    From the above article “As a subplot, there was also a search for terrorists with a simulated biological weapon of mass destruction.”

    And this nugget: “I was disappointed to find out that I’d missed the day’s biggest simulation, in which an officer shot down simulated incoming Scud missiles.” is from

    Deja Vu all over again…

  12. lilorphant says:

    How sickening…I cannot fathom the diabolical mind that could utter such a thing. I wonder how it feels to think you are on the winning side of this “war on terror”? That one’s most intoxicating days of euphoria came about as the result of a slaughter of thousands of innocents.

    That the rest of the world is restructuring itself, increasingly polarized against the rise of a perceived fascist with REALLY BIG BOMBS(!), only the first step in what is sure to be a global political correction. As markets sway, all conditions are ripe. Only yet to be seen are the actors who will step out to be the first to challenge. Russia? China? Think whose economy would be most effected by an expanding front in the Middle East.

  13. Jason says:

    @JimDandy, I’ll play guess the nuke target:

    1. Chicago
    2. Kansas City
    3. 2008 World Series

    We all know it’s coming.

  14. cryingfreeman says:

    I’ve been thinking about the next event quite a lot, pretty much since the first 911. My view is that there has to be a nuclear element to it if THEY want free reign to pre-emptively strike any nation at odds with the NWO agenda, and of course, such an event would also double as an ideal pretext for martial law. However, I think there first has to be the completion of a minimum level of necessary infrastructure of oppression (i.e. internment camps, surveillance networks, ID database, etc) before martial law can be imposed.

    What we can surely agree on is that the run-up to the 2008 election presents incredible potential for a massive psy-op on not only the American people, but the world at large. With everyone’s eyes on the election, what better time for “terrorists” to strike? The entire theme of the election could quickly become terrorism / security if a succession of targets were hit, culminating in a mushroom cloud spectacular once the frenzy has reach fever pitch. After that, the people will be begging for martial law. And pre-emptive nuclear strikes.

    Locations? As I’ve said before, I can’t see the heartland of the elites being touched by anything too severe; planes crashing into buildings is one thing, but nuclear-bio-chemical is too risky so close to the elite’s dwellingplaces. They don’t want any fallout landing on their favourite country clubs or palaces. That rules out New York, Boston, and London then.

    Of course, it’s all conjecture and for all we know, Bush does indeed intend to quietly relinquish the presidency awarded to him outside the democratic process, resting in the knowledge that another NWO candidate will take the reins. Either way, it can’t do any harm to plan for the worst, whilst hoping for the best.

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