

This is from Chris P. Dialynas, the Managing Director of Pimco, one of the largest bond management firms in the world. I encourage everyone to read the entire report carefully. They are now telling everyone: It's coming down.

I hate to say I told you so, but I did... Dozens of times over the last couple of years. But forget about what I've said. Get it straight from the horse's mouth:

Today, the global economy is on the threshold of upheaval. The U.S. has borne the majority of the costs associated with the substantial structural change in the global economic architecture of the past ten years. Severe trade and financial imbalances pose grave risks to international stability. Keynesian spending policies and monetary stimulus predicated upon by Adam Smith’s free trade dogma, and the importance of global growth have produced the vulgar externalities of unsustainable indebtedness in the U.S. and Japan and excessive reliance on foreign capital in the U.S. As shown in Charts I and II below, domestic, non-financial business debt outstanding in the U.S. roughly doubled from approximately $3.8 trillion in 1994 to approximately $7.6 trillion today. Over the same period, the U.S. current account deficit soared from approximately 2 percent of U.S. GDP to nearly 6 percent, or by about $3 trillion, accounting for 75 percent of the increase in U.S. debt formation. Absent a long overdue global restructuring, status quo policies yield to these imbalances. The U.S. current account deficit is forecast to grow to 8 percent of GDP in a few years.

The potential for a dangerous financial crisis exists wherein the burdens of increased debt in the U.S. are transferred from the suppliers of leverage, mainly Asian central banks, back to the leveraged, namely U.S. citizens. Capital inflows into the U.S. have provided for debt formation, which has in turn resulted in an even greater U.S. dependency on foreign capital. Misguided Federal Reserve policy based on a flawed understanding of the natural rate of unemployment is at the heart of the problem. During time of war, such as today, full employment must prevail at all times, so Fed policy is constructed around a variable, theoretical rate of unemployment that is itself a fiction. Current and past Fed policies have promoted consumption, encouraged debt formation and contributed substantially to the trade and global imbalances of today. The objective function for the Fed therefore requires immediate Congressional amendment. Congress needs to impose trade and financial balances as critical variables in central bank policymaking.

Current Situation & 2005 Projections :.

Easing energy prices for the next couple of years, before the hammer comes down:

So for the next two years prices will tend to be soft, though they will remain volatile due to production disruptions caused by natural catastrophe, warfare and a host of other causes. In other words, we may have a cushion for the next couple years. But how are we going to use it? If we provoke supply disruptions, the price will bounce up. Once the disruption is over, prices will drop.


Nobody Said it Was Going to Be Easy: Urban vs. Rural Sustainability :.

Anyone considering a move "to the country" needs to understand what they're doing. And nobody said it was going to be easy! Limousine liberals are going to have a pretty hard time, whether they're in the country or the city.

Why was this guy running low on water and manure? WTF!? If you don't have water and manure, what do you have? Not much.

Why wasn't more research done on the community before the land was purchased? If your neighbors are useless, what do you have? A (potentially serious) problem. The community is as important as water and manure. And your community is going to need guns and ammo and weekly live fire exercises. (Limousine liberals don't like that part.)

You can't expect to drop yourself into a remote area with values that are totally alien to the natives and expect to pull off a successful show. No way.

Portland. Yep, Portland is about as good as a city can get. Portland with the lights and heat turned off? No thanks, brother. I'll take my chances... out there somewhere:

Slowly a mild paranoia set in. I started to wonder whether, if the Big Crash came, I was really in the right place. We had the best garden for miles around, and everyone knew it. If law broke down, wasnÂ’t there more than a chance that my next door neighbor, a gun-selling meth dealer and felon, might just shoot me for all that food? How about the right-wing fundamentalists past him, who shot Stella's jays for fun and clearcut their land when they suspected spotted owls lived there? Or the two feuding families beyond them-one had fired a pistol during an argument, and neither would give way when their cars met on the road. I began to sense the outlines of a pattern that replicated one in society at large. We have the technical means to feed, clothe, and house all humanity. But legions starve because we have not learned to tolerate and support one another. People's real problems are not technical, they are social and political. Down in Douglas County, I'd solved most of the technical problems for our own personal survival, but the social hurdles to true security were staring me in the face.

Research Credit: GH

The Shadow Internet :.

This Wired article is a human readable account of how the upper echelons of electronic piracy operate. This will be especially interesting to students of insurgency/counter insurgency:

The upper reaches of the network are a "darknet," hidden behind layers of security. The sites use a "bounce" to hide their IP address, and members can log in only from trusted IP addresses already on file. Most transmissions between sites use heavy-duty encryption. Finally, they continually change the usernames and passwords required to log in. Estimates say this media darknet distributes more than half a million movies every day. It's also, by any reading of the law, a vast criminal enterprise engaged in wholesale copyright infringement.

But the Feds are getting smarter. Last spring, the FBI and US Department of Justice launched a series of raids codenamed Fastlink. Working with cops in Sweden, the Netherlands, and eight other countries, the operation seized more than 200 computers. One confiscated server alone contained 65,000 pirated titles. Fastlink rubbed out a few topsites, but new ones filled the void. The flow of illicit games and movies slowed briefly, then resumed. In April, federal agents interrogated Frank and impounded all his computer equipment. So far, no charges have been filed. "But the Feds had no idea about Half-Life," he boasts. "I was never connected to that shit. If they found out, I'd be in jail."

Fly Eating Robot Powers Itself :.

I just assumed that the killer robots of the future would eventually utilize some sort of miniaturized atomic cell for power. I never, in my worst nightmares, thought they would be able to eat the flesh of the dead to power themselves. Well, well, well... I guess the Dark Lords who are building this stuff are looking at alternative fuels:

Scientists at the University of the West of England (UWE) have designed a robot that does not require batteries or electricity to power itself.

Instead, it generates energy by catching and eating houseflies.

Dr Chris Melhuish and his Bristol-based team hope the robot, called EcoBot II, will one day be sent into zones too dangerous for humans, potentially proving invaluable in military, security and industrial areas.

Melhuish, who is director of the Intelligent Autonomous Systems Lab at the UWE, told CNN that the EcoBot II was a result of a quest for an intelligent robot that could function without human supervision.

"That means they need energy. It is one thing to have a robot getting its energy from a household socket, or maybe from the factory floor, but it is another thing when the robot goes outside buildings," he said.

"Of course, there is solar energy outside. Little robots can use solar energy to move about. But mostly, if there is not a lot of solar energy about, you have to give robots batteries -- which eventually run out."

The EcoBot II powers itself in much the same way as animals feed themselves to get their energy, he said.

Research Credit: The Friar in the Freelands of the North

Who adds:

In these dark days of the Oil Age, a new science will be reborn: Demonology.

Here's a recent entry from a Friar in the Freelands of the North:
Beware my friends! According to my recent studies, I have discovered that the evil wizards of the Isle of Albion have summoned a foul new demon into the sub-lunar sphere is which we dwell. The demon is called "EcoBot II." It is similar in appearance to Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies, in that it wreaks of human excrement. The wretched creature uses it's foul stench to attract flies, which is how the vile entity sustains itself. Friends beware! This hideous monstrosity has pledged service to the Dark Lord of the Empire. It is weak in powers today and can still be destroyed. But make haste friends, for a day will come when it's strength will wax. And on that day, it can no longer be sent back to the hell from whence it came.
Who ever thought the flesh eating demons would be manmade?

GPS Tracking Capability Added to Implantable Microchip :.

Setting the stage for controversial tracking technology, the satellite telecommunications company ORBCOMM has signed an agreement with VeriChip Corp., maker of the world's first implantable radio frequency identification microchip.

VeriChip, a subsidiary of Applied Digital, will work with ORBCOMM to develop and market new military, security and healthcare applications in the U.S. and around the world, the company said.

As WorldNetDaily reported, Applied Digital has created and successfully field-tested a prototype of an implant for humans with GPS, or global positioning satellite, technology.

Satellites monitored 24 hours a day from ORBCOMM's Network Control Center in Dulles, Va.

Once inserted into a human, it can be tracked by GPS technology and the information relayed wirelessly to the Internet, where an individual's location, movements and vital signs can be stored in a database for future reference.


Tsunami Survivors Face Health Risks from Filthy Water :.

In a "down" situation, cold will kill you first, then lack of water, then lack of food. Your survival strategy must solve these issues in that order. Cold-Water-Food. (Dealing with human feces should be the next concern.) It's not cold in South Asia, and it won't be food. So what will kill the most people? Water. The lack of clean water:

Public health officials warn survivors of Sunday's tsunami face a grave danger, death and disease caused by filthy drinking water. Officials say rescue teams are focusing their attention on getting potable water to survivors of the massive undersea earthquake to keep the population of the affected areas from falling victim to its aftermath.

The United Nations and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) have deployed relief teams to the 11 Asian countries devastated by Sunday's tsunami. The hardest hit countries have been Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and the Maldives. Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Somalia, Tanzania, Seychelles and Kenya are also assessing damage from the massive Indian Ocean earthquake.

At a State Department briefing, USAID administrator Andrew Natsios says the primary focus of relief effort is sanitation.

"What's happened basically is the water and sewage systems are now combined because of the water surges that took place and the destruction that followed, and as a result people are drinking sewage water," he explained. "And that will substantially increase the risk of communicable disease and diarrheal disease which could kill many people in epidemics if they get out of control."

N379P Top Search Engine Term in Hits to Cryptogon


.Mil Hits Related to CIA Cutout Aircraft searched Yahoo for: N379P searched MSN for: Premier Executive Transport Services searched Google for: N379P searched Google for: N379P searched Google for: N379P clicked on link in this post searched Yahoo for N379P clicked on a link in this post

Ruppert and Gary Webb

Ok. I'm sick of people sending me links to the Mike Ruppert story about how he thinks Gary Webb committed suicide.

Were you there when it happened, Mike? No? Well, you sure write about it like you were. Keep an open mind people. With something as weird as the Gary Webb incident, watch out for anyone selling a 100%-for-sure story; especially when the 100%-for-sure story involves someone like Gary Webb shooting himself in the head... twice.

My response to Mark R, who's sending the Ruppert story around:

I don't remember anyone dying and making Mike Ruppert God. And I sure as hell didn't sign up to blindly parrot everything that guys says. I think he's off his rocker on this. I happen to know a thing or two about firearms. Nobody is going to sell me on two self inflicted .38 caliber shots to the head. Nobody has a monopoly on the actual version of reality, especially not Mike Ruppert.

I've tolerated Ruppert's pomposity because his information is generally good. But his reporting on Gary Webb is problematic. He says that the .38 is an essentially useless weapon. Question: What is the standard close range execution weapon of choice for CIA? Standard or reduced velocity .22. Ponder on that as Ruppert talks about .38.

Related: Statistical Analysis of Bush Author Suicides

Related: Was Gary Webb Suicided to Kill a New Book?


Militant Nonviolence :.

When the court translators working in the hire of King James chose to translate antistenai as "Resist not evil," they were doing something more than rendering Greek into English. They were translating nonviolent resistance into docility. The Greek word means more than simply to "stand against" or "resist." It means to resist violently, to revolt or rebel, to engage in an insurrection. Jesus did not tell his oppressed hearers not to resist evil. His entire ministry is at odds with such a preposterous idea. He is, rather, warning against responding to evil in kind by letting the oppressor set the terms of our opposition.

A proper translation of Jesus' teaching would then be, "Do not retaliate against violence with violence." Jesus was no less committed to opposing evil than the anti-Roman resistance fighters like Barabbas. The only difference was over the means to be used.

Jesus' Third Way

* Seize the moral initiative.

* Find a creative alternative to violence.

* Assert your own humanity and dignity as a person.

* Meet force with ridicule or humor.

* Break the cycle of humiliation.

* Refuse to submit or to accept the inferior position.

* Expose the injustice of the system.

* Take control of the power dynamic.

* Shame the oppressor into repentance.

* Stand your ground.

* Force the Powers into decisions for which they are not prepared.

* Recognize your own power.

* Be willing to suffer rather than retaliate.

* Force the oppressor to see you in a new light.

* Deprive the oppressor of a situation where force is effective.

* Be willing to undergo the penalty of breaking unjust laws.

The End of Warfare :.

"Against the most heavily armed opponent in the history of War, Fallujah has still not let itself be "taken" to date. The mightiest military machine in history has met its match. A turning point in military affairs? The end of warfare, as practiced by the Americans - the application of overwhelming force to obtain a victory?"

Was Gary Webb 'Suicided' to Kill New Book? :.

Continuing to monitor this...

Before all articles, legitimate questions, and informed speculation critical of Webb's alleged 'confirmed' suicide are automatically tossed in the 'memory hole', or are destined to endlessly travel through the 'conspiracy belt' - I have some new and important revelations that need to be factored into the Gary Webb death equation, including information that he was working on a NEW book that he would soon finish. And what would people think about Gary Webb's OFFICIAL airtight 'confirmed suicide' pronouncement - if they were to read an email containing a recollected conversation between Jon Roland and Gary Webb about this very subject: the possibility of Webb's being "suicided", where Webb confirms that if he's found dead it would never be a suicide.

Research Credit: GH

Ran Prieur :.

Ran Prieur has a keen eye for top quality, critical information. He's avoiding the blow-by-blow account of events (like you get from Cryptogon and other sites) and focusing more on the philosophical underpinnings of resistance, sustainability and survival. All Cryptogon readers should visit often. He posts very selectively, so you can take advantage of his editorial skills to glean a wealth of extremely useful information in a short time. His site should be a pre-requisite for all (especially new) Cryptogon readers.


The Torture Express: CIA Cut Out Operation Busted

When Cryptogon reader RS sent in an Agence France-Presse story about CIA cutout aircraft flying U.S. detainees around the world for interrogation and torture, I didn't expect to personally find proof of the CIA with its pants around its ankles.... but it looks like I did.

Let's take it from the top:

The article RS sent me fails to mention that, almost certainly A) there is a fleet of aircraft with tail number N379P, or B) the aircraft in question has had arbitrary tail number changes applied over a period of time. (It turned out to be B, but we'll get to that.)

Fast and loose doesn't begin to describe the manner in which the CIA uses aircraft tail numbers and the FAA Aircraft Registration database. It's almost as if they think nobody is watching. If the authors of the AFP piece had read, Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA by Terry Reed, they might have considered these possibilities. Compromised provides an excellent account of CIA air transport proprietaries and the associated tail number antics. See Chapter 7, Tail Numbers Game.

AFP article posted on

A US jet registered to a ghost company whisked terror suspects to countries that used torture, The Washington Post reported today, based on its own investigation.

The Gulfstream V turbojet had been seen at US military bases around the world, often loading up hooded and shackled suspects and delivering them to countries known to use torture, a process the CIA called "rendition", the paper said.

The Post investigated the ownership of the jet, which had been spotted in Afghanistan, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan and which carried the tail number N379P, according to the newspaper.

It said the officers of the plane's corporate owner, Premier Executive Transport Services, were all listed with dates of birth in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, but with social security numbers issued since 1998.

The paper was unable to locate any further business or credit information on them or on the company.

The CIA refused comment, but such "proprietary" or front corporations were standard procedure for the agency, former operatives told the Post.

Morton Sklar, executive director of the World Organisation for Human Rights USA, told the daily the "rendering" of suspects to countries that employed interrogation techniques banned in the United States was worrisome and could violate the UN Convention on Torture.

The Post article confirmed much of a November 14 article published in the Sunday Times, of London, which obtained flight plans for the plane, which, the Times said, always departed from Washington, DC and had visited the US Navy base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where about 550 terror suspects are held.

A Swedish television program, Cold Facts, reported that in December 2001, the jet took hooded terror suspects to Egypt, according to the Post, which said it had independently confirmed the Swedish report.

The Post said the plane, with hooded crew members speaking with US accents, loaded two Egyptian nationals and took off at 4.30am for Cairo.

It said airport officials and amateur plane spotters, some using binoculars, have logged multiple sightings of N379P at several US military airports and fuelling stations.

More: N379P Becomes N8068V

Here is an account of activists trying to get the Irish National Police (Garda Síochána) to investigate the transshipment of prisoners through the Shannon airport on CIA aircraft. It looks like N379P was getting too much attention. So, CIA changed it to N8068V.

Here's where it gets really interesting.

I just checked N8068V on the FAA database and it now comes up as a "deregistered" Robinson R22 BETA helicopter.

But there's just one problem...

Does that Gulfstream V look like a Robinson R22 BETA helicopter to you? Wave hello to the spooks and their busted cutout operation.

Here's a screenshot of the FAA record for N8068V showing it to be a "Deregistered" Robinson R22 BETA helicopter. The plain text from the FAA follows:

N8068V is Deregistered

Deregistered Aircraft 1 of 1

Aircraft Description
Serial Number 2401 Type Registration Corporation
Manufacturer Name ROBINSON HELICOPTER Certificate Issue Date None
Model R22 BETA Mode S Code 52575653
Year Manufacturer None Cancel Date 12/29/1993
Reason for Cancellation Exported Exported To SOUTH AFRICA

Aircraft Registration prior to Deregistration

City TORRANCE State CALIFORNIA Zip Code 90505
County None
Country Unknown


Other Owner Names

If you're wondering what N8068V looked like as N379P, here it is:

What does the FAA N-Number inquiry show for N379P?

N379P is not Assigned/Reserved

Here's a screenshot of that result.

More: Original Washington Post Article

Jet Is an Open Secret in Terror War

By Dana Priest
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, December 27, 2004; Page A01

The airplane is a Gulfstream V turbojet, the sort favored by CEOs and celebrities. But since 2001 it has been seen at military airports from Pakistan to Indonesia to Jordan, sometimes being boarded by hooded and handcuffed passengers.

The plane's owner of record, Premier Executive Transport Services Inc., lists directors and officers who appear to exist only on paper. And each one of those directors and officers has a recently issued Social Security number and an address consisting only of a post office box, according to an extensive search of state, federal and commercial records.

Bryan P. Dyess, Steven E. Kent, Timothy R. Sperling and Audrey M. Tailor are names without residential, work, telephone or corporate histories -- just the kind of "sterile identities," said current and former intelligence officials, that the CIA uses to conceal involvement in clandestine operations. In this case, the agency is flying captured terrorist suspects from one country to another for detention and interrogation.

The CIA calls this activity "rendition." Premier Executive's Gulfstream helps make it possible. According to civilian aircraft landing permits, the jet has permission to use U.S. military airfields worldwide.

Since Sept. 11, 2001, secret renditions have become a principal weapon in the CIA's arsenal against suspected al Qaeda terrorists, according to congressional testimony by CIA officials. But as the practice has grown, the agency has had significantly more difficulty keeping it secret.

According to airport officials, public documents and hobbyist plane spotters, the Gulfstream V, with tail number N379P, has been used to whisk detainees into or out of Jakarta, Indonesia; Pakistan; Egypt; and Sweden, usually at night, and has landed at well-known U.S. government refueling stops.

As the outlines of the rendition system have been revealed, criticism of the practice has grown. Human rights groups are working on legal challenges to renditions, said Morton Sklar, executive director of the World Organization for Human Rights USA, because one of their purposes is to transfer captives to countries that use harsh interrogation methods outlawed in the United States. That, he said, is prohibited by the U.N. Convention on Torture.

The CIA has the authority to carry out renditions under a presidential directive dating to the Clinton administration, which the Bush administration has reviewed and renewed. The CIA declined to comment for this article.

"Our policymakers would never confront the issue," said Michael Scheuer, a former CIA counterterrorism officer who has been involved with renditions and supports the practice. "We would say, 'Where do you want us to take these people?' The mind-set of the bureaucracy was, 'Let someone else do the dirty work.' "

The story of the Gulfstream V offers a rare glimpse into the CIA's secret operations, a world that current and former CIA officers said should not have been so easy to document.

Not only have the plane's movements been tracked around the world, but the on-paper officers of Premier Executive Transport Services are also connected to a larger roster of false identities.

Each of the officers of Premier Executive is linked in public records to one of five post office box numbers in Arlington, Oakton, Chevy Chase and the District. A total of 325 names are registered to the five post office boxes.

An extensive database search of a sample of 44 of those names turned up none of the information that usually emerges in such a search: no previous addresses, no past or current telephone numbers, no business or corporate records. In addition, although most names were attached to dates of birth in the 1940s, '50s or '60s, all were given Social Security numbers between 1998 and 2003.

The Washington Post showed its research to the CIA, including a chart connecting Premier Executive's officers, the post office boxes, the 325 names, the recent Social Security numbers and an entity called Executive Support OFC. A CIA spokesman declined to comment.

According to former CIA operatives experienced in using "proprietary," or front, companies, the CIA likely used, or intended to use, some of the 325 names to hide other activities, the nature of which could not be learned. The former operatives also noted that the agency devotes more effort to producing cover identities for its operatives in the field, which are supposed to stand up under scrutiny, than to hiding its ownership of a plane.

The CIA's plane secret began to unravel less than six weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

On Oct. 26, 2001, Masood Anwar, a Pakistani journalist with the News in Islamabad, broke a story asserting that Pakistani intelligence officers had handed over to U.S. authorities a Yemeni microbiologist, Jamil Qasim Saeed Mohammed, who was wanted in connection with the October 2000 bombing of the USS Cole.

The report noted that an aircraft bearing tail number N379P, and parked in a remote area of a little-used terminal at the Karachi airport, had whisked Mohammed away about 2:40 a.m. Oct. 23. The tail number was also obtained by The Post's correspondent in Pakistan but not published.

The News article ricocheted among spy-hunters and Web bloggers as a curiosity for those interested in divining the mechanics of the new U.S.-declared war on terrorism.

At 7:54:04 p.m. Oct. 26, the News article was posted on, which bills itself as "a conservative news forum."

Thirteen minutes later, a chat-room participant posted the plane's registered owners: Premier Executive Transport Services Inc., of 339 Washington St., Dedham, Mass.

"Sounds like a nice generic name," one blogger wrote in response. "Kind of like Air America" -- a reference to the CIA's secret civilian airlines that flew supplies, food and personnel into Southeast Asia, including Laos, during the Vietnam War.

Eight weeks later, on Dec. 18, 2001, American-accented men wearing hoods and working with special Swedish security police brought two Egyptian nationals onto a Gulfstream V that was parked at night at Stockholm's Bromma Airport, according to Swedish officials and airport personnel interviewed by Swedish television's "Cold Facts" program. The account was confirmed independently by The Post. The plane's tail number: N379P.

Wearing red overalls and bound with handcuffs and leg irons, the men, who had applied for political asylum in Sweden, were flown to Cairo, according to Swedish officials and documents. Ahmed Agiza was convicted by Egypt's Supreme Military Court of terrorism-related charges; Muhammad Zery was set free. Both say they were tortured while in Egyptian custody. Sweden has opened an investigation into the decision to allow them to be rendered.

A month later, in January 2002, a U.S.-registered Gulfstream V landed at Jakarta's military airport. According to Indonesian officials, the plane carried away Muhammad Saad Iqbal Madni, an Egyptian traveling on a Pakistani passport and suspected of being an al Qaeda operative who had worked with shoe bomber suspect Richard C. Reid. Without a hearing, he was flown to Egypt. His status and whereabouts are unknown. The plane's tail number was not noted, but the CIA is believed to have only one of the expensive jets.

Over the past year, the Gulfstream V's flights have been tracked by plane spotters standing at the end of runways with high-powered binoculars and cameras to record the flights of military and private aircraft.

These hobbyists list their findings on specialized Web pages. According to them, since October 2001 the plane has landed in Islamabad; Karachi; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Dubai; Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Baghdad; Kuwait City; Baku, Azerbaijan; and Rabat, Morocco. It has stopped frequently at Dulles International Airport, at Jordan's military airport in Amman and at airports in Frankfurt, Germany; Glasglow, Scotland, and Larnaca, Cyprus.

Premier Executive Transport Services was incorporated in Delaware by the Prentice-Hall Corporation System Inc. on Jan. 10, 1994. On Jan. 23, 1996, Dean Plakias, a lawyer with Hill & Plakias in Dedham, filed incorporation papers with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts listing the company's president as Bryan P. Dyess.

According to public documents, Premier Executive ordered a new Gulfstream V in 1998. It was delivered in November 1999 with tail number N581GA, and reregistered for unknown reasons on March 2000 with a new tail number, N379P. It began flights in June 2000, and changed the tail number again in December 2003.

Plakias did not return several telephone messages seeking comment. He told the Boston Globe recently that he simply filed the required paperwork. "I'm not at liberty to discuss the affairs of the client business, mainly for reasons I don't know," he told the Globe. Asked whether the company exists, Plakias responded: "Millions of companies are set up in Massachusetts that are just paper companies."

A lawyer in Washington, whose name is listed on a 1996 IRS form on record at the Secretary of the Commonwealth's office in Massachusetts -- and whose name is whited out on some copies of the forms -- hung up the phone last week when asked about the company.

Three weeks ago, on Dec. 1, the plane, complete with a new tail number, was transferred to a new owner, Bayard Foreign Marketing of Portland, Ore., according to FAA records. Its registered agent in Portland, Scott Caplan, did not return phone calls.

Like the officers at Premier Executive, Bayard's sole listed corporate officer, Leonard T. Bayard, has no residential or telephone history. Unlike Premier's officers, Bayard's name does not appear in any other public records.

Researchers Margot Williams and Julie Tate contributed to this report. Williams has since left The Washington Post.

More: Is N8068V Now N44982?

I've blown an entire afternoon on this story. Wake me up if you see hooded and shackled men being loaded or unloaded from N44982...

LAPD Studies Facial Recognition Software :.

The Los Angeles Police Department is experimenting with facial-recognition software it says will help identify suspects, but civil liberties advocates say the technology raises privacy concerns and may not identity people accurately.

"It's like a mobile electronic mug book," said Capt. Charles Beck of the gang-heavy Rampart Division, which has been using the software. "It's not a silver bullet, but we wouldn't use it unless it helped us make arrests."

But Ramona Ripston, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, said the technology was unproven and could encourage profiling on the basis of race or clothing.

"This is creeping Big Brotherism. There is a long history of government misusing information it gathers," Ripston said.

The department is seeking about $500,000 from the federal government to expand the use of the technology, the Los Angeles Times reported Saturday. Police have been testing it on Alvarado Street just west of downtown Los Angeles.

Rumsfeld Says 9-11 Plane 'Shot Down' in Pennsylvania :.

Rumsfeld fails to maintain appearances:

Ever since Sept. 11, 2001, there have been questions about Flight 93, the ill-fated plane that crashed in the rural fields of Pennsylvania.

The official story has been that passengers on the United Airlines flight rushed the hijackers in an effort to prevent them from crashing the plane into a strategic target – possibly the U.S. Capitol.

During his surprise Christmas Eve trip to Iraq, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld referred to the flight being shot down – long a suspicion because of the danger the flight posed to Washington landmarks and population centers.

Was it a slip of the tongue? Was it an error? Or was it the truth, finally being dropped on the public more than three years after the tragedy of the terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000?

Here's what Rumsfeld said Friday: "I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind of world we would face if the people who bombed the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania and attacked the Pentagon, the people who cut off peoples' heads on television to intimidate, to frighten – indeed the word 'terrorized' is just that. Its purpose is to terrorize, to alter behavior, to make people be something other than that which they want to be."

Several eyewitnesses to the crash claim they saw a "military-type" plane flying around United Airlines Flight 93 when the hijacked passenger jet crashed – prompting the once-unthinkable question of whether the U.S. military shot down the plane.

Jesus Comes 2 Play! :.

I thought this was a fake site at first, but I think it's real. I went as far as the secure checkout page that asks for a credit card:


He wears a Cross Necklace! Matching One including for your child too!

Comb His Hair! Just like Yours!

He's Big and 17 inches Tall!

... And Most of All, "Jesus Comes 2 Play!" is Full of Fun and Love!

Buy Now: $29.95

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

He Prays! His hands can hold together to pray.

He's Soft! And Always Ready to Give a Hug!

His Clothes and Sandals are Removable!

Research Credit: JH

Yushchenko Wins Ukraine Revote :.

Viktor Yushchenko claimed victory in the rerun of Ukraine's presidential election, vowing to bring the former Soviet republic closer to the European Union and end divisions that led to mass demonstrations during the past month.

Yushchenko has 52.5 percent to Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych's 43.7 percent, with 97 percent counted, the Central Election Committee said today. The Supreme Court three weeks ago said the results of the original Nov. 21 vote, which showed Yanukovych won, were fraudulent and ordered the second election.


Asia Quake Death Toll Tops 15,000 :.

As dawn broke Monday across the Bay of Bengal, countries struck by tsunamis in the wake of the most powerful earthquake the planet has seen in 40 years focused on relief and rescue efforts, and said the death toll from the giant waves -- already more than 15,000 -- is expected to rise further.


:. Reading

Fatal Harvest: The Tragedy of Industrial Agriculture by Andrew Kimbrell Readers will come to see that industrial food production is indeed a "fatal harvest" - fatal to consumers, as pesticide residues and new disease vectors such as E. coli and "mad cow disease" find their way into our food supply; fatal to our landscapes, as chemical runoff from factory farms poison our rivers and groundwater; fatal to genetic diversity, as farmers rely increasingly on high-yield monocultures and genetically engineered crops; and fatal to our farm communities, which are wiped out by huge corporate farms.

Friendly Fascism: The New Face of Power in America by Bertram Myron Gross This is a relatively short but extremely cogent and well-argued treatise on the rise of a form of fascistic thought and social politics in late 20th century America. Author Bertram Gross' thesis is quite straightforward; the power elite that comprises the corporate, governmental and military superstructure of the country is increasingly inclined to employ every element in their formidable arsenal of 'friendly persuasion' to win the hearts and minds of ordinary Americans through what Gross refers to as friendly fascism.

The Good Life
by Scott and Helen Nearing
Helen and Scott Nearing are the great-grandparents of the back-to-the-land movement, having abandoned the city in 1932 for a rural life based on self-reliance, good health, and a minimum of cash...Fascinating, timely, and wholly useful, a mix of the Nearings' challenging philosophy and expert counsel on practical skills.

Silent Theft: The Private Plunder of Our Common Wealth by David Bollierd In Silent Theft, David Bollier argues that a great untold story of our time is the staggering privatization and abuse of our common wealth. Corporations are engaged in a relentless plunder of dozens of resources that we collectively own—publicly funded medical breakthroughs, software innovation, the airwaves, the public domain of creative works, and even the DNA of plants, animals and humans. Too often, however, our government turns a blind eye—or sometimes helps give away our assets. Amazingly, the silent theft of our shared wealth has gone largely unnoticed because we have lost our ability to see the commons.

The Self-Sufficient Life and How to Live It: The Complete Back-To-Basics Guide by John Seymour The Self Sufficient Life and How to Live It is the only book that teaches all the skills needed to live independently in harmony with the land harnessing natural forms of energy, raising crops and keeping livestock, preserving foodstuffs, making beer and wine, basketry, carpentry, weaving, and much more.

When Corporations Rule the World by David C. Korten When Corporations Rule the World explains how economic globalization has concentrated the power to govern in global corporations and financial markets and detached them from accountability to the human interest. It documents the devastating human and environmental consequences of the successful efforts of these corporations to reconstruct values and institutions everywhere on the planet to serve their own narrow ends.

The New Organic Grower: A Master's Manual of Tools and Techniques for the Home and Market Gardener This expansion of a now-classic guide originally published in 1989 is intended for the serious gardener or small-scale market farmer. It describes practical and sustainable ways of growing superb organic vegetables, with detailed coverage of scale and capital, marketing, livestock, the winter garden, soil fertility, weeds, and many other topics.