I'm starting to get a little irritated at the tone of media in other countries who think Americans are totally to blame for the expanding nightmare here and abroad.
The international media is full of stories about the ignorance/stupidity of Americans for voting for Bush. HA! That's a good one. Look at your own consumer habits and governments! America is a convenient target for all of this animosity because America is the biggest criminal operator. Like all major criminal operators, though, America has accomplices. So don't cast stones in glass houses, dear members of the international media... you and your governments are in on it too!
Oh yes you are.
If you don't agree with George Bush, stop your governments and central banks from buying U.S. debt instruments. The U.S. is the largest single market in the world. Why is that? BECAUSE YOUR GOVERNMENTS PROVIDE LIQUIDITY TO IT BY BUYING U.S. DEBT INSTRUMENTS! Stop selling your finished goods in America. Stop doing business with American corporations. Stop buying products that are made in the U.S., or that benefit U.S. corporations. Sell dollars. Vote out politicians that allow the U.S. military basing and flyover rights in/over your country. Stop doing business with countries that have strategic bilateral trade relationships with the U.S. (especially Japan, China and Saudi Arabia). Until you accomplish all of this,
SHUT UP, because you sound as stupid as the stupid Americans who voted for Bush.
Yeah, it's easy to blame stupid Americans for Bush, U.S. foreign policy and the rest of it. But who makes it all possible? Look in the mirror. American tax revenue can't fund this horror show anymore. We're too broke. If you live in a state that has formal banking and business relationships with the U.S., you have
stupid American values by default, whether you want to admit it or not.
Hear me, brother: The countries responsible for most of the economic activity of the planet have strapped themselves to the mast of the sinking ship called America, and have no doubt about it, this thing is going down. Point fingers all you want, you're profoundly complicit with it.
posted by Kevin at 5:43 PM
Anyone who thinks a Kerry administration would have led to a substantially different system than what we're going to get is nuts. Kerry might have bought us all a little more time as the technologies of control were further developed and implemented. Frankly, I think humanity has a better chance of survival if the collapse happens sooner rather than later. And another Bush administration will almost certainly speed us closer to collapse.
I know Democrats want to believe that
massive vote fraud led to Kerry's defeat. Maybe. BUT MAYBE NOT. Look at the popular vote. Look at the House and Senate votes! HAHA! I think a more probable reality is that idiots stick with their own, and since most Americans are idiots, the obvious choice was Bush. A sack of shit should have been able to beat Bush, but Kerry lost to that retard! How is it possible that Kerry emerged as the candidate in the first place!? LOOK AT THAT GUY! LISTEN TO WHAT HE WAS SAYING! Bush is so nuts that the Democrats couldn't even see how terrifying Kerry was. Dems need to ponder on that one for a while and see the political process for what it is: a massive waste of time.
Every act of the Bush administration has been a lie, a fraud or a give-away to the richest people in the world. While Kerry wouldn't have been any better, he atleast offered the troglodytes the false consolation of being able to "vote the rascals out" without leading to any substantial shift in policy. But in pre-collapse America, we have reached the point where the people like the rascals, their lies and their disastrous policies. So give'em what they want, hallelujah and pass the ammunition!
For those of us who aren't nuts, take solace in knowing that The End of this despicable system can't be far off now.
After all, the people have spoken.
posted by Kevin at 1:30 PM
Add up the numbers of electoral votes right now:
Kerry, 252 (2+5+2) =
9Bush, 254 (2+5+4) =
11HAHAHA! Good one.
posted by Kevin at 3:21 AM
I had written a short piece on this election, but as I was getting ready to post the thing, I looked at the count and saw Bush with 254 and Kerry with 252 electoral votes.
I don't believe it, but here we are.
If Bush wins, I think it means that America's economic problems have become untenable and that we are going to be taken down in short order.
A Kerry win would mean that They are trying to maintain appearances for as long as possible. Kerry would work to get the global federal system (commonly referred to as the New World Order) back on track.
Kerry would slowly implement a 1984-style nightmare. A second Bush administration, on the other hand, would lead to increased chaos, more wars and economic ruin.
Take your pick! Either way, we all lose.
posted by Kevin at 2:45 AM