Victory: Standing Up to Jingoism at Work

People write to me all the time expressing feelings of hopelessness, fear and futility. The problems we face are so great, what can we do, etc.? I've said it many times before: JUST DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING, SINCE MOST PEOPLE DO NOTHING. If everyone just did SOMETHING, the planet would be a different place.

Example: A Cryptogon reader was facing constant pro-war propaganda at work from a person who has a relative in the U.S. Army. Clearly, nobody should have to put up with this type of nonsense at work. She took action, and put an end to inappropriate jingoism in her immediate surroundings.

What have you done lately to make a difference? Send it in!

I have deleted all names, email addresses and company names:

Original email sent out encouraging support of the 82nd Airborne. Note, this is corporate email between employees:

>>> (Name deleted) 11/21/02 09:34AM >>>
Hello Everyone,

By now you may have already noticed the Airborne flag hanging behind the receptionist's desk up front. If not, please take a minute to stop by. It is signed by the members of the 82nd Airborne Army platoon many of you were so wonderful to donate to.

The (Company Name Deleted) office was wonderful enough to design a holiday card to send off to the troops in Afghanistan. If you would like to sign, please do so by 11 a.m. this Friday, November 22nd, so it will be able to make it in time for the holidays in Afghanistan. It will be located in the front lobby.

There are a few new pictures I have attached (Meat heads with machine guns, helicopter gun ships firing missiles, etc.). You may also visit: to say thank you to all of our military. It only takes about 10 seconds.

Thank you,

(Name deleted) and family

The Cryptogon reader responded to the sender and CCed several PHBs in her company:

-----Original Message-----
From: Cryptogon Reader
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 11:09 AM
To: Original Sender
Cc: Various corporate PHBs
Subject: Re: Operation Enduring Freedom Update

Dear (Name Deleted)-

I would prefer not to receive e-mails regarding the 82nd Airborne. Not only do I find this an inappropriate use of company e-mail, but it is in extremely poor taste, considering that, according to the most conservative and strictly verified estimates, between 1000 and 3000 civilians have been killed so far in our bombing campaign in Afghanistan, and the toll continues to rise. I do not have anything personal against your brother or any member of our armed forces, but I believe the killing of innocent civilians is immoral and never justified- not on Sept. 11, not now. A photo of a helicopter launching a missile that will most likely kill or maim a human being is particularly offensive to me.

What you do and support on your own time is your prerogative, however, I have the right to not be subjected to this material at work.

See and for more information about the nature of our current action in Afghanistan.


(Name Deleted)


She won!


-----Original Message-----
From: Cryptogon reader
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 2:26 PM
Subject: RE: Operation Enduring Freedom Update

bahahahahahahahahahahahaha! i can't believe it! they had her take down the big Airborne flag from the lobby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!