Not really
I was actually in Little Rock, Arkansas for the past several days. As the aircraft approached the Little Rock airport, I looked out the window at the mostly empty landscape.
I mumbled to myself, "I wonder how many bodies are out there..."
You see, Bill Clinton's relationship with George Bush goes back at least to the mid 1980s. Clinton's Arkansas was---according to the heaviest narcotics trafficker ever and CIA contractor,
Barry Seal---a, "Banana republic." Anything and everything was for sale, and "tithings" could be paid to stay one step ahead of the curve. So, when Bush needed to move guns and drugs by the ton, he didn't go down to Georgia.
He went to Arkansas.
The Contra-related cocaine and weapons operations, which were run out of the
Mena airport, were ordered by Bush and facilitated by none other than Governor Bill Clinton. I guess those antics made for some strong bonds. At the minimum, Clinton got to play president for a couple of terms: A) as a reward; or, B) because he was in a position to take the Bush dynasty down with what he knew.
Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIAand
The Boys on the TracksIn any event, it's all hugs and kisses now.
Make sure you send this story to all the dumbsh*t Democrats and limousine liberals you know:
President George W. Bush says Bill Clinton has become so close to his father that the Democratic former president is like a member of the family.
Former President George Bush has worked with Clinton to raise money for victims of the Asian tsunami and the hurricane disaster along the U.S. Gulf Coast.
Asked about his father and Clinton, Bush quipped, "Yes, he and my new brother."
"That's a good relationship. It's a fun relationship to watch," Bush said in an interview with CBS News broadcast on Sunday.
While attending Pope John Paul's funeral, Bush said, "It was fun to see the interplay between dad and Clinton. One of these days, I'll be a member of the ex-president's club. ... I'll be looking for something to do."
He said ex-presidents share rare experiences that others cannot understand. "And so I can understand why ex-presidents are able to put aside old differences," he said.
Bush said he checked in with Clinton occasionally.
"And you know, he says things that makes it obvious -- that makes it obvious to me that we're kind of, you know, on the same wavelength about the job of the presidency. Makes sense, after all, there's this kind of commonality," he said.
Bush jokingly referred to speculation that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the former president's wife, will seek the Democratic nomination for the presidency. He had earlier referred to the former first lady as "formidable."
"Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton," he said, referring to how Bill Clinton had followed his father, and Hillary Clinton could follow him.
HAHA. Get it? HAHA.
posted by Kevin at 6:21 PM
Note to Non-Nerds: Don't bother reading this.
Hosts from all over the place are crawling every page on Cryptogon in an automated manner, at semi regular intervals. Did the
NSA user from earlier today order his zombie army to lock and load after he meandered around Cryptogon?
Who knows...
The client running on each of the hosts shows up in the log only as Java 1.4.1 or Java 1.5.0. There is no way this activity is due to run-of-the-mill webpage archiving robots. You might see one of those, every once in a while. But over and over again, from different hosts in quick succession, all reporting Java?
I don't think so.
This smells like a
DDOS hit to me.
Here are some of the culprits. The fields are hostname, ip, number of pages accessed, client name: 185 Java 1.4.1 185 Java 1.5.0 185 Java 1.5.0 185 Java 1.5.0
I'll be adding these and others to Cryptogon's IP sh*tlist. I doubt anything will happen, but if Cryptogon goes down, it means someone launched a DDOS attack on my server.
Update: Cut Off In Mid SlurpThis thing just returned to have another go:
It was cut off in the act by the IP ban list.
This could get interesting. I wonder how many zombies They have? Put on your best Carl Sagan voice and say it with me, "Billllyons and billllyons..."
Update: Additional Hosts Showing Up; Doing the Same ThingNow blocking:
posted by Kevin at 6:20 PM
The U.S. National Security Agency user (host:, ip: conducted the following Google search:
""The NSA user visited the following Cryptogon pages:
Session initiated: 30/Jan/2006:08:43:40 -0700
Session ended: 30/Jan/2006:09:04:02 -0700
Related Story: U.S. Central Command Hits Cryptogon... AgainI went back through recent logs and found that the same NSA system directly accessed this Cryptogon page back on January 5:
They may have been following up on people who were following this story:
NSA Applies for Patent to ID Physical Address of Web Surfers
posted by Kevin at 6:03 PM