“This is America’s Darkest Secret”

June 17th, 2024


Biden Administration Facilitates Sex Trafficking and Rape of Immigrant Children, Florida Grand Jury Reports

‘Modern-Day Slave Traders’: Hawley Demands Probe Into 85,000 ‘Lost’ Migrant Children

HHS Whistleblower Says Government Complicit in Trafficking; Child Admits Being ‘Pimped’ by Sponsor

Biden Secretly Flying Underage Migrants Into NY in Dead of Night

U.S. Waives FBI Checks on Caregivers at New Migrant Facilities, Alarming Child Welfare Experts

Audio Appears to Reveal Sexual Abuse at Fort Bliss Facility for Migrant Kids

Tucker Obtains Whistleblower Report on Military Flying Illegal Immigrants

DHS Insider Blows Whistle on Int’l Child Sex Trafficking Gangs Exploiting ‘Reasonable Fear’ Loophole

Via: Redacted:

More: “Upcoming Report Will Expose Horrors” Of Biden’s Lost 85,000 Migrant Children In America

U.S. Navy in Most Intense Combat Since World War II Against Yemen’s Iran-Backed Houthi Rebels

June 15th, 2024

Via: AP:

The U.S. Navy prepared for decades to potentially fight the Soviet Union, then later Russia and China, on the world’s waterways. But instead of a global power, the Navy finds itself locked in combat with a shadowy, Iran-backed rebel group based in Yemen.

The U.S.-led campaign against the Houthi rebels, overshadowed by the Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip, has turned into the most intense running sea battle the Navy has faced since World War II, its leaders and experts told The Associated Press.

Quarter of Americans Have Unfavorable Views of Both Major Party Presidential Candidates

June 15th, 2024

Via: Axios:

A quarter of Americans hold unfavorable views of both President Biden and former President Trump — the highest share of “double haters” at this stage in any of the last 10 elections, according to new Pew Research data.


June 15th, 2024

Via: situational-awareness.ai:

The AGI race has begun. We are building machines that can think and reason. By 2025/26, these machines will outpace many college graduates. By the end of the decade, they will be smarter than you or I; we will have superintelligence, in the true sense of the word.

Before long, the world will wake up. But right now, there are perhaps a few hundred people, most of them in San Francisco and the AI labs, that have situational awareness. Through whatever peculiar forces of fate, I have found myself amongst them. A few years ago, these people were derided as crazy—but they trusted the trendlines, which allowed them to correctly predict the AI advances of the past few years. Whether these people are also right about the next few years remains to be seen. But these are very smart people—the smartest people I have ever met—and they are the ones building this technology. Perhaps they will be an odd footnote in history, or perhaps they will go down in history like Szilard and Oppenheimer and Teller. If they are seeing the future even close to correctly, we are in for a wild ride.

Military Draft Coming? House Passes Measure To Automatically Register Men For Selective Service

June 15th, 2024

Via: ZeroHedge:

The House of Representatives on Friday approved its version of the annual defense policy bill, effectively clearing the $883.7 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to move forward in a 217-199 vote which largely fell along party lines. Only three Republicans opposed it.

But among the most interesting aspects to the bill for Fiscal Year 2025 is an amendment to the NDAA which automatically registers all draft-age male U.S. residents with the Selective Service System.

Seattle Police to Hire Illegal Immigrants

June 15th, 2024

Via: Law Enforcement Today:

Seattle is joining the growing list of left wing cities that have decided to turn to illegal aliens to fill the ever-increasing void in the ranks of their police department, following cities such as Los Angeles. This is due to severe understaffing that has gutted many large city departments in primarily blue cities.

One issue facing DACA recipients becoming police officers is because they are in the country illegally, which means that they are not generally permitted to carry a firearm. However, Biden’s ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) has ruled that “It is ATF’s position that DACA recipients can possess duty firearms and possess ammunition as part of their official law enforcement officer duties,” according to the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF).

Former NSA Director Joins OpenAI; Will Serve On Board And “Security” Committee

June 14th, 2024

Chat GPT-4o: OpenAI’s New Realtime Multimodal Model:

This will make the individual profiling and surveillance that has been done by search engines for decades seem trivial.

OpenAI almost certainly wants this to be free for everyone in order to gather up as much personal and training data as possible.

OpenAI is probably able to review each of these sessions in order to make changes to how the system behaves. This means that the sessions could be made available to government and law enforcement agencies.

And now…

Via: ZeroHedge:

Days after we noted that OpenAI is expanding its lobbying army to influence regulation, the company announced that former head of the National Security Agency (NSA) – and the longest-serving leader of USCYBERCOM, Paul M. Nakasone, has joined board – just four months after stepping down at the government’s top clandestine data monitoring organization.

Nakasone, a retired US Army general, was nominated to lead the NSA by former President Donald Trump. He directed the agency from 2018 until his departure in February of this year. AsThe Verge notes, Nakasone wrote a WaPo op-ed in support of renewing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which was ultimately reauthorized by Congress in April – which contained a “terrifying” supercharged spying provision opposed by privacy advocates on both sides of the aisle in DC.

Related: AI Relies On Mass Surveillance

Counterfeit Titanium Found In Some Boeing And Airbus Jets

June 14th, 2024

Via: ZeroHedge:

Some recently manufactured Boeing and Airbus jets have components made from titanium that was sold using fake documentation verifying the material’s authenticity, according to a supplier for the plane makers, raising concerns about the structural integrity of those airliners.

The falsified documents are being investigated by Spirit AeroSystems, which supplies fuselages for Boeing and wings for Airbus, as well as the Federal Aviation Administration. The investigation comes after a parts supplier found small holes in the material from corrosion.

The issue appears to date to 2019 when a Turkish material supplier, Turkish Aerospace Industries, purchased a batch of titanium from a supplier in China, according to the people familiar with the issue. The Turkish company then sold that titanium to several companies that make aircraft parts, and those parts made their way to Spirit, which used them in Boeing and Airbus planes.

Pentagon Wants to Feed Troops ‘Experimental’ Lab-Grown Meat to ‘Reduce CO2 Footprint’

June 14th, 2024

The U.S. military is a bigger polluter than as many as 140 countries, so feed U.S. military personnel experimental lab-grown meat???

Via: Washington Free Beacon:

A Pentagon-funded company is seeking proposals to feed America’s soldiers lab-grown meat in a bid to “reduce the CO2 footprint” at Defense Department outposts.

BioMADE, a public-private company that has received more than $500 million in funding from the Defense Department, announced earlier this month that it is seeking proposals to develop “innovations in food production that reduce the CO2 footprint of food production at … DoD operational environments,” according to an online announcement.

Microsoft Delays Recall AI Feature on Security Concerns

June 13th, 2024

Via: Reuters:

Microsoft will not roll out “Recall”, an AI-powered feature that tracks computer usage, with its new computers next week and will instead preview it with a smaller group later, the tech giant said on Thursday, amid concerns of privacy risks.

The Recall feature tracks web browsing to voice chats, creating a history stored on the computer that the user can search when they need to remember something they did, even months later.

Recall will now be available only for a preview on its Windows Insider Program (WIP) in the coming weeks instead of being broadly available for Copilot+ PC users on June 18, Microsoft said in a blog post.

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