MI5 Trains Supermarket Checkout Staff

April 14th, 2007

Via: The Independent:

Supermarket checkout staff are being trained by the security services in how to detect potential terrorists. MI5 has been secretly advising food retailers, including Asda and Tesco, on how to identify extremist shoppers.

Measures include increasing CCTV in underground carparks to prevent bomb attacks and being alert to mass purchases of mobile phones, which can be used as bomb detonators. The awareness training for staff also covers bulk sales of toiletries which could be used as the basic ingredient in explosives.

Research Credit: RB

5 Responses to “MI5 Trains Supermarket Checkout Staff”

  1. dermot says:

    Something similar happened during the 80s/90s …

    It was dangerous for an Irish person to buy an
    alarm clock – as the IRA used them as crude timers
    for bombs.

    These days it’s ok for us paddies to buy clocks
    and phones, but watch out if you’re middle

  2. bob m says:

    an overt play towards terrorism now subtexts the survival minded as well if considering bulk purchases to ward against shortages at a later date. further datamining will show a difference between the ‘sheeple’ and those who may be more independant.
    why do i suddenly feel an analogy to ‘the great escape’ coming on?
    *said as the pockets full of dirt are loosed in the yard….

  3. Doug Mitchell says:

    Even “terrorists” have to wipe their arse once in awhile, don’t they?

    What really bugs here isn’t so much the presence of MI5 (starring Tom Cruise?) between the aisles at TESCO, which only seems natural when you think about it, but the way in which the “terrorist” classification is being roped around any and all economic activity deviating from the short-term convenience shopping norm.

    What if one happens to have a massive pantry and prefers to stock wiping materials just once a year?

    I can already see the screaming Fleet Street headline: “Scotland Yard Trailing TP Terrorist”.

    Between crap like this (uh-oh, we’re out of paper again) and the looming pharmaceutical axe of the Codex, it begins to feel like the domed cities and color-coded lifespan of Logan’s Run are just around the corner. Enter Sandman…

  4. cryingfreeman says:

    Yeah, I’m worried about buying fertiliser in case I get accused of making bombs.

  5. Jeannette says:

    This is interesting, particularly considering the way that most chain grocery stores have implemented those “frequent buyer card” scams, in which one’s purchases are tracked. The bogus selling point is that cardholders are “entitled” to receive the “low price” which is offered only to those supposedly VIP cardholders. Certain chains also send cardholding customers coupons based on the items that they most frequently purchase. (Creepy?) Sounds like a great deal on its face, as most of us can’t abide paying more for products when we know that simply forking over some basic personal information for a card will get us the lower price. The fact is that these assholes are tracking what you buy, when you buy it and how you pay for it. Nothing short of a scam.

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