Chinese Fishery with a Giant Integrated Solar Array

January 29th, 2017

Disclosure: I sell solar power systems in New Zealand.

It’s huge. Must see photos.

Via: Electrek:

The images were released by Xinhau in December and the People’s Daily in January. The 200MW project will produce greater than 220GWh/year of electricity. The project cost 1.8B RMB (US$260M) and covers an area of 300 hectares. The power generated by the station will be connected to the state grid, yielding an annual income of 240 million RMB (US$34M). In addition, another 13 million RMB (US$2M) will be earned through the fishery. Roughly, the system will pay for itself in seven to eight years.

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5 Responses to “Chinese Fishery with a Giant Integrated Solar Array”

  1. Duros says:

    This is really cool. Never thought of building them on water, seems like a really good investment for the Chinese. To me, massive solar arrays are much less of an eyesore than those mammoth windmills, not having moving parts is also a major plus.

    China is actually prosecuting insider traders and major businessmen, building man-made islands and now this? I’m aware of their brutality towards their people, but it’s kinda hard not to be impressed.

  2. Duras says:

    Wow, I didn’t know about that. I always attributed their pollution solely to manufacturing.

    The air pictures look worse than Blade Runner’s cities, the water is even worse. I do not mean to sound too positive toward China, Foxconn, Mao, etc, etc, are abominations, but solar arrays are a solid idea.

    (name change Duros=Duras)

  3. Kevin says:

    Coal burning is literally killing them.

    China’s smog pollution is due to coal consumption

    China’s coal emissions responsible for ‘quarter of a million premature deaths’

  4. Loveandlight says:

    The chart on this Wikipedia page leaves me with the impression that a lot of the coal burned in China is lignite. This grade of coal has the lowest energy-density and the highest pollution-factor. And if I recall my history correctly, China is certainly not the first communist country to crap all over the environment with too much lignite-burning for cheap energy.

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