New York: Windmills On City Bridges and Skyscrapers; Turbines On Rivers’ Shores; Solar Panels On Buildings

August 20th, 2008

I guess the fascists didn’t get the memo from the energy collapse bloggers that the lights are supposed to go out.

That’s ok because Operation Sentinel and Operation Torch will just be cleaner and greener!

Now, where can we buy our organic hemp Big Green Apple T-shirts?

Via: CBS:

Mayor Bloomberg is proposing a “green” plan that has the potential to drastically change the New York City skyline and shores. It’s part of his effort to make New York the most energy efficient city in the nation.

The mayor’s “windmill power plan” is the boldest environmental proposal yet from the billionaire independent, who has been trying to make energy efficiency a legacy of his administration.

Speaking at a major conference on alternative energy Tuesday night in Las Vegas, Bloomberg proposed putting windmills on top of city bridges, and skyscrapers, and turbines in the Hudson and East Rivers.

In terms of offshore locations, aides to the mayor told CBS 2’s Magee Hickey, the city is looking at the generally windy coast off of Queens, Brooklyn and Long Island for the turbines, which could provide 10 percent of the city’s electricity in just 10 years.

The plan also includes the use of solar panels, possibly on the roofs of public and private buildings:

“When it takes to producing clean power, we’re determined to make New York the number one city in the nation,” said Bloomberg.

To show how serious he is, the mayor had lunch with T. Boone Pickens – the oil baron trying to build the world’s largest wind farm in Texas – to talk about possibilities for such technology in New York City. Bloomberg gave companies until September 19 to submit innovative proposals to make the city “greener” by 2030:

“It would be a thing of beauty if when “Lady Liberty” looks out on the horizon, she not only welcomes new immigrants to our shores but lights their way with a torch powered by an ocean wind farm,” the mayor said.


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