Archive for May, 2014
Google Web/Search History Disable Does Absolutely Nothing
May 28th, 2014Classic: For Exercise in New York Futility, Push Button: Millions of dutiful city residents and tourists have pushed them over the years, thinking it would help speed them in their journeys. Many trusting souls might have believed they actually worked. Others, more cynical, might have suspected they were broken but pushed anyway, out of habit, […]
Why Germany Dominates the U.S. in Innovation
May 28th, 2014Via: Harvard Business Review: Reading the headlines, you might think that the most urgent question about national success in innovation and growth is whether the U.S. or China should get the gold medal. The truth is: Germany wins hands down. Germany does a better job on innovation in areas as diverse as sustainable energy systems, […]
All Wars Are Well Planned Banker Wars, Including WWIII
May 28th, 2014Via: Towards a Better Understanding: Banks have always profited from war because the debt created by banks results in ongoing war profit for big finance; and because wars have been used to open countries to U.S. corporate and banking interests. Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan wrote: “the large banking interests were deeply interested in […]
Autonomous Mode Only: Google Unveils Self Driving Car Prototype without Steering Wheel or Pedals
May 28th, 2014Via: Google: Ever since we started the Google self-driving car project, we’ve been working toward the goal of vehicles that can shoulder the entire burden of driving. Just imagine: You can take a trip downtown at lunchtime without a 20-minute buffer to find parking. Seniors can keep their freedom even if they can’t keep their […]
Wal-Mart: “Major Holes Are Starting to Form In Its Business”
May 28th, 2014Via: SHTF Plan: Wal-Mart has begun to lose its cache with consumers and major holes are starting to form in its business. Interestingly, Wal-Mart has hidden its financial problems from the headlines because challenges are different around the world, masking themselves in the overall picture. But when you dig between the headlines you can see […]
Obama Announces Plan to Keep 9,800 U.S. Troops in Afghanistan After 2014
May 28th, 2014Are there not enough mercs to protect all of those opium poppies? Via: Guardian: President Obama announced Tuesday that he will leave 9,800 US troops in Afghanistan through much of next year and backed away from ending America’s longest war until at least his final year in office. Related: CIA Ghost Money
Military Plans to Test Brain Implants to Fight Mental Disorders
May 28th, 2014Via: NPR: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, is launching a $70 million program to help military personnel with psychiatric disorders using electronic devices implanted in the brain. The goal of the five-year program is to develop new ways of treating problems including depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder, all of which are […]
‘Mind Pilots’ Steer Plane Simulator with Thoughts Alone
May 28th, 2014I like the one from a decade ago about the chunk of rat brain that flew the F22 simulator: Scientists have grown a living “brain” that sits inside a petri dish and can fly a simulated F-22 fighter aircraft. The brainchild of Thomas DeMarse, a biomedical engineer at the University of Florida in Gainesville, the […]
Brokers Use ‘Billions’ of Data Points to Profile Americans
May 27th, 2014Via: Washington Post: Data brokers that quietly gather billions of pieces of data on Americans should be required to operate more openly, so that those categorized as “financially challenged” or possibly suffering from serious medical conditions have the ability to check and challenge those characterizations, a federal report said Tuesday. The data broker industry, which […]
A Human Experimenter Was Vice-President Of The American Cancer Society
May 27th, 2014Via: io9: A doctor who was once vice president of the The American Cancer Society turns out to have had a dark history. He twice experimented on human beings, injecting them with cancer cells. Learn about the human experimentation of Chester Southam. … Amazingly, the loss of the license, even for a brief time, was […]