Archive for January, 2009

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Cryptogon Readers Send Contributions

January 22nd, 2009

MW sent $20. Anonymous sent $75. Thank you.

Cryptogon Readers Sign Up for Hosting with Blue Host

January 22nd, 2009

Thanks to the owners of the following domains for signing up for hosting with BlueHost: Cryptogon received $180 as a result.

Throw Your Hard Drive Away, Google’s Gdrive Arriving in 2009

January 21st, 2009

Oh sure. Via: TG Daily: Gdrive is basically online storage where Google servers have enough capacity to hold the entire contents of your hard drive. It will likely also come with enough brains to do cool tricks now with bigger things down the road – like booting your computer from online drive to load the […]

Anna Politkovskaya’s Lawyer Stanislav Markelov Shot Dead in Moscow

January 21st, 2009

Via: Times: A campaigning Russian lawyer was shot dead in central Moscow today after giving a press conference to draw attention to the early release of an army colonel convicted of the murder of a young woman during the war in Chechnya. Officials said that Stanislav Markelov, who also represented the slain journalist Anna Politkovskaya, […]

UK Cannot Take Iceland’s Soft Option

January 21st, 2009

Well, anyone who thought that my comparison of New Zealand to Iceland was a stretch can bask in the Reykjavik on Thames reference from earlier today and now this. Holy shit. Via: Telegraph: The British government faces an excruciating choice. It cannot let Royal Bank of Scotland and its fellow mega-banks go to the wall. […]

Three Words That Should Strike Fear Into Anyone with Wealth to Preserve: Florida Hedge Fund

January 21st, 2009

Via: AP: A missing hedge fund manager who owed investors a $50 million payout told his wife in a note he felt guilty about mismanaging people’s money, and threatened to kill himself, according to a sheriff’s report released Tuesday. However, the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office said it believes Arthur G. Nadel planned his disappearance and […]

Riots in Iceland, Latvia and Bulgaria Are a Sign of Things to Come

January 21st, 2009

Via: Times Online: Icelanders all but stormed their Parliament last night. It was the first session of the chamber after what might appear to be an unusually long Christmas break. Ordinary islanders were determined to vent their fury at the way that the political class had allowed the country to slip towards bankruptcy. The building […]

Life in Russia: Photos by Aleksey Petrosian

January 21st, 2009

Large gallery on EnglishRussia.

Bernard Madoff, the Mafia, and Naked Short Selling

January 21st, 2009

“One wrong word and he’s dead, his family is dead, etc. He knows it. He’s sticking to a script. …People involved with this, at the levels we don’t even know about yet, mainly, the management of day-to-day operations, are probably already dead.” —The Desperate Final Hours of the World’s Biggest Ever Financial Fraud “At some […]

Patrick Rocca, ‘Poster Boy’ of Ireland’s Celtic Tiger, Kills Himself

January 21st, 2009

Via: Times Online: Patrick Rocca seemed to have it all. A poster boy for Ireland’s Celtic tiger economy, he lent Bill Clinton his helicopter whenever he was in Ireland for a round of golf and rubbed shoulders with Tony Blair at gala dinners. He played tennis with Sir Alan Sugar in Marbella and ran a […]

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