Archive for January, 2009

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UK Economy Downturn: “Frightening”

January 14th, 2009

Via: BBC: Business leaders have painted a bleak picture of the UK economy, with a survey suggesting the end of 2008 saw a “frightening deterioration”. The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) said its survey results were “awful” and the worst since it began in 1989. Elsewhere, a separate report suggested it had been the worst […]


January 14th, 2009

Via: Bloomberg: Nortel Networks Corp., North America’s biggest maker of telephone equipment, filed for bankruptcy protection in the U.S., a victim of the global credit crunch and declining sales. Nortel, based in Toronto, had more than $1 billion in assets and debt, according to a Chapter 11 filing of its U.S. subsidiary today in Wilmington, […]


January 14th, 2009

Via: Bloomberg: Sales at U.S. retailers fell more than twice as much as forecast in December as job losses and the lack of credit led Americans to cut back on everything from car purchases to eating out. The 2.7 percent slump marked the sixth straight month of declines, the longest string since comparable records began […]

Freight Rates for Containers Shipped from Asia to Europe Have Fallen to Zero for the First Time Since Records Began

January 14th, 2009

Via: Telegraph: Freight rates for containers shipped from Asia to Europe have fallen to zero for the first time since records began, underscoring the dramatic collapse in trade since the world economy buckled in October. “They have already hit zero,” said Charles de Trenck, a broker at Transport Trackers in Hong Kong. “We have seen […]

Bush Declares a State of Emergency for Obama Inauguration

January 14th, 2009

Via: CBS News: President Bush today declared an emergency in Washington, DC in preparation for the Obama inauguration. By declaring an emergency, Mr. Bush opened the door for D.C. to get additional Federal funding to deal with the unique challenges that will accompany the influx, reports’s Brian Montopoli. An emergency declaration doesn’t mean that […]

Crook Hands Out Presidential Medals of Freedom to a Bunch of Other Crooks

January 14th, 2009

It’s not the Onion. Via: CNN: Three former wartime allies were reunited at the White House for one last time on Tuesday when President George W. Bush awarded America’s top civilian honor to the former prime ministers of Britain and Australia. In his last days in office Bush presented Tony Blair and John Howard with […]

Neocon Columnist Calls For Military Draft, Cites Possible Invasion Of Pakistan

January 14th, 2009

Rahm Emanuel 2006: “This is not a draft. It’s a universal service.” The U.S. will probably wind up with a conscription plan that falls somewhere between the plans being pushed by these two assholes. Via: Prison Planet: A Washington Times columnist has claimed that a universal military draft is a key necessity if America is […]

Why Are so Many Oligarchs, Royal Families, and Special-Interest Groups Giving Money to the Clinton Foundation?

January 14th, 2009

Via: Slate: Here is a thought experiment that does not take very much thought. Picture, if you will, Hillary Clinton facing a foreign-policy conundrum. With whom will she discuss it first and most intently: with her president or her husband? (I did tell you that this wouldn’t be difficult.) Here’s another one: Will she be […]

Obama’s Neocon Dinner

January 14th, 2009

Here’s yet another one for the Yes-We-Can-KoolAid-Cult to forget about, or simply ignore in the first place. Via: Yahoo / McClatchy: This could ruin their reputation: President-elect Barack Obama Tuesday evening attending a dinner party at the home of conservative columnist George Will, attended by fellow conservatives William Kristol and David Brooks. The press pool […]

As Israeli Atrocities Haemorrhage Into Mainstream Consciousness… What’s That? Bin Laden on Line One

January 14th, 2009

The PSYOP payload is: “If I mention Israeli atrocities, people will associate me with Bin Laden. Maybe I better just keep quiet.” Via: CNN: Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has apparently released a new audio message calling for a jihad, or holy war, against Israel for its Gaza campaign. The message is “an invitation” […]

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