Archive for the 'Kill Off' Category

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Vaxxed 3

October 6th, 2024

This is absolutely brutal. You almost certainly don’t need to put yourself through watching this because you already know what was done. It was reported here (and other places you probably visit) for years. The people who need to see this the most won’t watch it. Vaxxed 3 Movie

Exiled Brain Surgeon: DARPA Mind Control, Quantum Biology & Sunlight Medicine | Dr. Jack Kruse

October 1st, 2024

Clip: Neurosurgeon Dr. Jack Kruse tells Danny Jones what he thinks the pandemic was really about. — Champagne Joshi (@JoshWalkos) October 1, 2024 It will be interesting to see if YouTube censors this… Via: Danny Jones: Backup

England’s Chief Medical Officer Admits Government “Potentially” Overstated Danger of Covid

September 29th, 2024

Mmm hmm. And yet, nobody is in jail, or being prosecuted for any of it. Via: Off-Guardian: The Government potentially overstated the danger of Covid to the public at the start of the pandemic, Prof Sir Chris Whitty has admitted. The Chief Medical Officer told the Covid Inquiry he still worries about whether the Government […]

Fauci’s Inner Circle Shielded U.S. Collaborator

September 29th, 2024

Via: Brownstone Institute: The Wuhan Institute of Virology’s chief American collaborator leveraged connections in Anthony Fauci’s inner circle to survive federal scrutiny and keep millions in public funding flowing without turning over key data, new records show. Hundreds of documents — emails obtained under Freedom of Information Act lawsuits or Congressional subpoena, as well as […]

The One About Zuckerberg Supposedly Identifying as a Libertarian

September 27th, 2024

Is this to somehow atone for his roll in carrying out the Covid atrocities??? How many millions are dead BECAUSE of Zuckerberg’s banning of life saving information—while promoting deadly Covid shots—on Facebook? And now… Zuckerberg the libertarian. What’s next? Jabcinda Ardern, identifying as a free speech advocate? Via: Valutainment: Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has shifted […]

The Doctor Will Kill You Now

September 26th, 2024

Via: The Exposé: In November, the UK parliament will debate euthanasia, which they call “doctor assisted suicide” to make it sound like an act of kindness. In eight points, Dr. Vernon Coleman shows how the stage has been set to increase the uptake for euthanasia, which will include more than the terminally ill who are […]

Bolus Russian Roulette

September 26th, 2024

Via: Dr. John Campbell:

Chest Pain and/or Cardiac Events Among Those Under 40: Staggering New Data From Health New Zealand and Others

September 22nd, 2024

Via: Hatchard Report: The OIA figures suggest approximately a ten fold increase in chest pain and/or cardiac events among those under 40 probably associated with the administration of mRNA vaccines. Moreover the figures to June 2024 indicate the trend is still continuing.

FDA Approves Vaccine for Mpox — Warns It May Cause Death in Vaccinated and People They Come in Contact With

September 19th, 2024

Via: Children’s Health Defense: ACAM2000, a vaccine approved last month by the FDA for mpox, comes with a list of “serious complications,” including myocarditis, death and fetal death. The FDA’s medication guide also warns that people who receive the vaccine may spread it to unvaccinated people, who also risk developing vaccine side effects, including death.

The Horrifying Vaccine Injury Case of Alexis Lorenze

September 19th, 2024

WARNING: Graphic. I was going to post images, but you should be able to decide whether or not you want to see this. Via: Daily Mail: A Florida woman claims she was left temporarily blind and with agonizing swelling and bruising after doctors forced her to take vaccines for a rare blood disease. Alexis Lorenze, […]

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