Archive for the 'Mind Control' Category
Muslim Fanatic Prisoners to be ‘De-Programmed’ Using Controversial Techniques to ‘Cure’ Them of Beliefs
October 21st, 2008Via: This Is London: Psychologists in the Prison Service will try to ‘cure’ extremist Muslim inmates of their political beliefs with controversial therapies similar to those used to ‘de-programme’ members of religious cults. The experimental treatments are being developed by a special Extremism Unit set up by the Ministry of Justice in January last year, […]
North Korean Mata Hari Jailed in Assassination Plots
October 20th, 2008Via: National Post: A North Korean spy, described as Asia’s Mata Hari, was jailed for five years yesterday for using sex to plot assassinations with poisoned needles and obtain secrets from military officers. Prosecutors claimed Won Jeong-Hwa, 35, entered South Korea posing as a refugee when in fact she was a spy with handlers in […]
The Swedish Twins on the M6
September 26th, 2008Update: Madness in the Fast Lane —End Update— I’m at a total loss on this one. Unfortunately, during my photojournalism days, I’d seen vehicle vs. pedestrian situations… None of those people got up to fight with cops and run around after being struck by vehicles. I’ll try to find out more about this. Of course, […]
Russia: Satanic Ritual Murder
September 16th, 2008Via: Telegraph: The eight suspected Satanists, aged 17 to 19, allegedly lured the four youths to parties on the forested edge of Yaroslavl’s city limits, before inducing them to drink and then chopping up their bodies. Police found the victims’ arms and legs in a pit dressed with Satanic symbols, and investigators say each victim […]
People Who Live Without TV
September 5th, 2008Is it really only one to two percent of Americans who don’t watch TV? Maybe they ought to be on the terrorist watch list. Citizens shouldn’t be turning off their telescreens! WARNING: Nonsense Left/Right political labels ahead. Via: Yahoo News: For many Americans the thought of life without TV is akin to forgoing food, shelter […]
Culture of Surveillance May Contribute to Delusional Condition
August 30th, 2008There’s now a psychiatric designation for people who are aware of systems like the NarusInsight Intercept Suite and Siemens’ Intelligence Platform. Via: IHT: Psychosis in the 21st century looks something like this: You think your every move is being filmed for a reality television show starring you, and that everyone in your life is an […]
Uncle Sam Wants Your Brain
August 25th, 2008Via: Wired: Drugs that make soldiers want to fight. Robots linked directly to their controllers’ brains. Lie-detecting scans administered to terrorist suspects as they cross U.S. borders. These are just a few of the military uses imagined for cognitive science — and if it’s not yet certain whether the technologies will work, the military is […]
Future Wars ‘To Be Fought with Mind Drugs’
August 14th, 2008This is so 1970s. I’m delighted to learn that Operation Mind Control, by Walter Bowart is now being distributed via BitTorrent. I think that I paid $19 for a photocopy of the book in 1992, and was glad to have it! This book is rare. (Never mind the limited research edition that came out in […]
Why Does RCMP Refer to Flesh Eating Murderer as “Badger”?
August 4th, 2008Is “Badger” a generic term that these cops use to refer to suspects??? Or… Hmm. There’s a recording of the police radio transmissions here and here. Also, I’ve come across a couple (1, 2) other decapitation cases in recent days, besides the one below. Random madness, or something else? Via: AP: A police officer at […]
America’s Army: Free Video Game, Social Engineering Tool, Surveillance Platform
July 27th, 2008This video game is nothing less than an automaton that shapes and then harvests teenage minds so that the U.S. Army can repurpose their bodies years later. I’ve looked at a lot of evil in my days, but this is palpable, murmuring, inky black evil; complete with automated meme delivery and driving, metrics, surveillance. Out […]