Archive for the 'Mind Control' Category

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Subliminal Warfare – Mind Control and Invisible Influence

May 21st, 2024

Via: Why Files:

Naomi Wolf: ‘If Europe Does Not Wake Up, You Will All Be Dead’

May 13th, 2024

I recently had dinner with someone (in her 40s) who was very nearly killed by the Covid vaccine. She thinks her blood clots and heart attack were just bad luck, like all of the other horrific health outcomes for her vaxed and boosted family members. After emergency surgery and a couple of stents, she survived. […]

Did the Covid Psyop Fail?

March 31st, 2024

Via: Off-Guardian: As you all know, I have not been one to believe that the tides are turning. But lots of people think they are. They cite many victories, in court, in the streets, with family and friends. The fact that the agenda has not sent out a second wave of horror and fear propaganda […]

FBI to Bury ‘Whitey’ Bulger’s File, Agency Rejects Public Records Request

March 28th, 2024

Via: Boston Herald: The FBI is closing the book on the agency’s “corrupt” handling of James “Whitey” Bulger — forever. The feds are refusing to make any further installments of Bulger’s case file public, saying the records are “investigative” and no longer subject to the Freedom of Information Act. “The records responsive to your request […]

The Dawn of Neurowarfare

March 21st, 2024

Via: Unlimited Hangout: The military is intensely interested in emerging neurotechnologies. The Pentagon’s research arm DARPA directly or indirectly funds about half of invasive neural interface technology companies in the US. In fact, as Niko McCarthy and Milan Cvitkovic highlight in their 2023 writeup of DARPA’s neurotechnology efforts that DARPA has initiated at least 40 […]

The Minds of Men

March 17th, 2024

Via: Truthstream Media:

Dr. Michael Nehls: The Indoctrinated Brain

December 7th, 2023

When you talk to normal people nowadays, do you notice that something has gone very wrong? Dr. Michael Nehls argues that the Covid operation is actually a mind control program that involves the coordinated use of media and neurotoxic substances against billions of people. The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack […]

“Heavily Armed Man Killed Himself Rather Than Carry Out Attack at Colorado Amusement Park”

October 31st, 2023

Very strange. Via: New York Post: A heavily armed man killed himself rather than carry out an apparent plan to shoot up a mountaintop amusement park in Colorado, his body discovered in a bathroom next to words scrawled on the wall, “I am not a killer,” authorities said Monday. Diego Barajas Medina, 20, was found […]

“If I Don’t Make it Back Alive…”: A Closer Look at the Armed Man (Disguised as a U.S. Marshal) Who Demanded a Meeting with RFK, Jr.

October 18th, 2023

The extremely strange case involving Adrian Paul Aispuro and RFK, Jr. Via: Courageous Discourse: By reducing the original charges to a misdemeanor for unlawfully carrying loaded weapons in a public place and releasing him on only $10,000 bail before he has been evaluated by a psychiatrist, the Los Angeles District Attorney is signaling to the […]

1952: Goal of CIA Mind Control Program

August 28th, 2023

One goal of the CIA's mind control research according to their own 1952 memo was to “get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against such fundamental laws of nature as self-preservation.” It's 2023. What do you see? — Truthstream Media (@truthstreamnews) August […]

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