Occupation 101: Voices of the Silenced Majority

January 7th, 2009

This is an outstanding documentary. Please pass it along.

Official Site: occupation101.com

3 Responses to “Occupation 101: Voices of the Silenced Majority”

  1. chilledfresh says:

    Bravo. This is a great documentary that takes an even-handed approach to the situation between the Israelis and Palestinians, without delving into antisemitism and liberal propaganda. The facts speak for themselves, if people are willing to open their eyes to see.

  2. Eileen says:

    Oh my. I didn’t realize the documentary would be so long when I started watching it, and then I just had to go on to the end.
    I felt more than a few times that if someone came along and bombed my house and killed my family just cause they wanted our land, and I survived that first salvo, I too would strap a bomb on my chest and say take this you bastards.
    Looming in the background of this entire documentary is a GIANT INSATIABLE BEAST. Who is it? What is it?
    I don’t think its the Jews in Israel. Me, sorry, that little spot given to Pat Robertson sort of spelled out the question as to why for me.
    And I have do doubt whatsoever that the extermination of anything, anyone, or any culture is being, and will be accomplished according to the BEAST whose major underwriter is the U.S. Taxpayer.
    I ferverntly hope that the planets in their great movements these days spell revolution or devolution for us in U.S.
    That people start asking why and how their dollars are being spent to KILL.
    In the words of John Lennon, “I may be a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.”
    I desire very much that we as a people rout the BEAST from its den. If we must kill it because we cannot or do not know how to heal it- well then, lets get on with it.

  3. Kevin says:

    Looming in the background of this entire documentary is a GIANT INSATIABLE BEAST. Who is it? What is it?

    Oh yeah. I wonder the same thing. There is something else, just out of view.

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