Why People Believe Americans Are Stupid

January 14th, 2007

If you thought Idiocracy was just a bit of satire, brace for impact:

28 Responses to “Why People Believe Americans Are Stupid”

  1. An American says:

    What, you don’t think there are stupid people in other countries? You think intelligence is measured by knowledge of trivia? Additionally, ask yourself this question: how many people did they have to edit out? Plenty of people can answer those questions correctly, but they don’t make good TV, do they?

  2. Mark says:

    bwahahahahhshhahahahahahahh thanks for the laugh!!

    But I don’t believe it was real. People can’t be THAT stupid, I mean that was beyond ridiculous… I mean some mentally disabled people I know are smarter than that, come on. “Who should we invade next? Italy.” Italy?? ahahahhwhahha who the heck are these people? they should lock them up for being so stupid!!

  3. Roy says:

    Do “Rick Mercer Talking to Americans” on Google and learn how little you guys know about the country next door…

  4. Anonymous says:

    It was factual, and real (unedited). American’s really are a pretty stupid and uninformed people. This video is an example of that. And it wasn’t all “trivia” as one claimed, but factst that should have been known by most Americans.

  5. An Australian in America says:

    I’m confronted with ignorance and arrogance on a daily basis. This once great land is occupied by mental midgets!

  6. tim boucher says:

    It was factual, and real (unedited)

    What? How could you call this unedited?

  7. Vincent says:

    This is what happens when you defund public schools and replace them by Fox News…I am aware that the video is edited, however, being an outsider in this country (european origin) I can tell you that watching this video, I was disappointed, (as usual),but not particularly surprised: I have personnally been asked questions and heard remarks by average american citizens that were actually way worse than this… Kevin, stop showing me this I’m running out of prozac…

  8. Robert S. says:

    Who says that the impending collapse will be all bad. Is it any wonder that the elites have grabbed power?

    These folks are probably a lot more represenative of the American people than anyone suspects. They pretty much make George ‘The Dunce’ Bush look like a genius.

  9. Rhosa T says:

    Believable? Unfortunately so. Here’s an actual conversation I had when I lived in the US:
    Woman: So where’re you from, hon? What’s your accent?
    Me: I’m from England, but I’ve lived here about two years.
    Woman: You speak English real good for being in the country such a short time.

  10. An Australian in America says:

    A word or two from King George…


  11. Australian says:

    The point of this video was to show you that if American Citizens are voting for an administration they feel should be running their country, and more importantly, invading other peoples countries then they should at least have a thorough understanding of world politics and geology, because without that knowledge, those stupid people that are voting, may be voting for a dangerous administration, *hint**hint* George Bush…..

    I couldn’t believe the irrational logic that most of these people used in voting for their selected president. This video may be edited, and they may have only interviewed a small number of Americans, but I think this paints a true picture of how most Americans think and believe.

    It must be so easy for news networks, especially Fox News, to brainwash the American public.

  12. smith says:

    The clip was basically an Aussie version of Jay Leno’s Jay Walking.

    The most interesting bit was the guy who said we’ll just make a big glass crater out of the middle east. I have meet people that have told me the same exact thing and that was their reason for voting for George Bush.

    America… dumb, violent and armed to the teeth. Giddup cowboy.

  13. NoFixedAbode says:

    As a US citizen I would just like to say that this is a highly skewed sample of dumbasses in this video. But I’m sure you knew that.

    Granted, it’s possible and even quite easy to breeze through life here without the slightest bit of knowledge about people or events more than a few blocks away. But it’s also possible to get an excellent world-class education and educate yourself with various periodicals and foreign news.

    It’s quite easy to find interesting, intelligent, and well-traveled individuals just about as easily as you’d find the ignorant dumb-asses featured in this video.

    In some parts of the country, at any rate; it’s a pretty big place.

  14. Rompeculos says:

    Shhhhh!!! You are letting the secret out!
    This is part of the new world order. The people that will be fighting the next wars (next 10 – 15 yrs) are the kids of these people. Cannon-Fodder!! These people are the ones that are giving up their kids to the “Army of the Cross”.

  15. Midwesterner says:

    A recent online geography contest showed close results between USA and UK participants. But this doesn’t matter now that Anti-Americanism is in vogue – and even a ‘sport’ in this example of rudeness conducted by Nouveau-affulent Australians with a lot of time on their hands and a lot of hate in their hearts.

  16. Curra Gundi says:

    As an Australian I am shocked to see the ignorance shown by American people in this video.

    Not for one moment do I believe that ALL Americans are like that or that the rest of the world is much different.

    It saddens me however when I see such a display in a great country like the US where opportunity is the middle name of everyone. I do not believe there is a solution. Like the proverbial horse that you can take to water…

    As a retired teacher I know that only when the subject becomes interested in the learning topic(s), learning takes place. The rest is just static to the richly materialistic lives promoted by all and sundry. All the more pity… sad really

  17. Vee says:

    This video is a true picture. Every time I visit the US I am amazed how little people know about the world, about geography or history or about their own country for that matter. On one of my many trips I was in a hotel only two hours out of New York. I asked the reception how to make an international call to Europe. They answered, “What’s international? Where is that? I don’t know”. Then I asked people on the 4th of July “Who did you get independent from?” Nobody knew or they said “From Columbus”. Absolutely ridiculous. This nation of ignorant and stupid people is the self-proclaimed leader of the world that tells everybody what to do, thinks it can play the world’s policeman and drop bombs on all nations that don’t obey and accept the perverted “American way of life”. If the US spends only a tiny fraction of the trillions on education instead on the military to wage senseless criminal wars based on lies, every town could have fantastic schools and the best teachers that turn out educated and smart people. But that’s exactly what the real owners of America don’t want, people that can think for themselves and are critical. Only the elite gets good education and can go to universities that cost a fortune. The result is a mass of ignorant sheeple that know nothing and can be manipulated at will, actualy trust the government and the president (what a joke), believe every con-story they are told, have no political awareness and just go shopping, stuff themselves and watch football. Welcome to Zombie-Land.

  18. Wehungderonggiys! says:

    Preznit Bushe do be de best ting dat do appen for us in dis cuntry – he go give us a gud egucatin as soon as he kiked sum ass! We go help im kick dat ass cuz he go take csre of uz wen we cum bak wid just one leg! VIVA le Preznit!!!

  19. NoFixedAbode says:


    You’re conflating the government of the US with the people of the US.

    Around half of the people in the country (more, if you count the latest election) disagree with the small number of people who are actually engaged in all the stupid atrocities that you mention.

    Your post displays a stark ignorance of the actual people of the US. You’ve managed to generalize and smear around 300 million people based on a few chance encounters and some decisions made by power-hungry idiots (politicians – the scum of any country on the planet).

    Grow up, learn about the world, and then maybe you’ll see that stupidity and ignorance are pretty well evenly distributed about the planet.

  20. Vee says:

    To NoFixedAbode:
    You always get the government you deserve, so don’t tell me that I am comparing the two unjustly and you as citizens are innocent. It’s what you criminal government is actually doing around the world and you and congress and the media are letting happen day after day that counts. All that killing and bloodshed in your name, with 600’000 civilians dead in Iraq, plus all the other wars in the last 60 years that killed millions. Then you must admit that even voting a Democratic majority and demanding a change like last November, changes nothing. Bush said last Sunday on 60 Minutes, “I don’t care what congress wants; I am going ahead with the surge no matter what they say.” This statement means Bush is a self-declared dictator, period. It’s official. He is out of control. Now he desperately wants the next war with Iran. So where are the mass demonstrations, where is the opposition, like in the 70’s to end the Vietnam war, and where are the demands for impeachment? Except for a tiny bunch of activists there is nothing. The majority is letting things happen, although they should notice by now that their constitutional rights are being ripped apart piece by piece and their country is turning into a police state. So who is ignorant and stupid here?

  21. ian says:

    Brainless septics!

  22. Adam says:

    The bad guys eventually figured out how to defeat democracy and enslave the United States. All it took was an assault on public education and massive, endless brainwashing by the mainstream media. The result is scarier than Hitler’s Germany and the Sovietunion ever were. Welcome to the Fascist state of America, populated by the most ignorant jerkoffs this World has ever known, eager to drop bombs on any country their crazed leaders want to invade. How will the World get rid of this bully? How long will this go on?

  23. lima says:


  24. Kes - From Lithuania says:

    i think thous people relay need to go to school…i guess they don’t know where is my country…but i say they don’t need that…just to stupid… Great stuff America…ur president should care about not war but about his country people … 🙂 o MAY GOD

    Sorry American people…but u really stupid…

  25. JD says:

    Ah this may only be a section of the populace but a stigma that tends to raise its head more often than not.

    Anyway, since this is obviously-

    I’ve always been wondering how such tactics by Bush have been working. Lying to the people, admitting he’s lied on many occasions and continues to do so. I’ve always wondered how this zealot has been able to stay in power the way he has on the premise of war. Well, only yesterday I found this site explaining very well the predicament the western world is in. Also, why war mongering bush is able to turn his sights onto anyone without any provocation.


    The thing I like about how this information is given is that it pertains to the individual who reads it. If the government were to admit the truth about the situation to the entire mass; The pea-brained populace would panic in unpredictable ways. Meanwhile, the self sufficent people would manage to separate themselves from the country’s main money maker, find alternatives that works for themselves meaning far less profits for the government to work with. Either or, The economy would crash before the government could lift a finger to repair it.

    So if you’re looking for answers on the current administration’s actions, visit that site. If the link doesn’t work, go to google and type it in.

    I warn you though, it has quite a bleak outlook but its one thing to know and have the chance to prepare than to not know and wait for reality to strike.

  26. NoFixedAbode says:


    So you say we’re responsible for our government, yet at the same time you show evidence that actually, we have little control over our government.

    If Bush chooses to ignore the massive vote against him (far more than the thin majority the Dems got given the gerrymandering and other games), and still send troops to Iraq, how can you blame the people of the US wholly for their government.

    The bureaucracy of any modern western nation is far, far, far, more complex than any one person can understand. The belief that we control such a massive system by pushing buttons at a polling booth is ludicrous on its face – expeically given that those buttons choose lying and thieving politicians to ‘represent’ ‘our’ interests.

    Please get a clue about how the world actually works.

  27. Lewis says:

    Hey, NoFixedAbode, Vee is right. American people do deserve the leader they have. I repeat his questions: where are the 70’s riots? Where is John Lennon singing for peace? Where is the people? In the living rooms, watching FOX news, that’s where you americans are mostly. Sorry, but there’s a tapeworm working in your heads and you didn’t avoid it. You let it happen. And you keep letting it happen.

    I believe it has smth to do with 1. idiots and 2. selfishness. 1. idiots is already explained. 2. selfishness is a mind disease that spreaded in america after hippies time’s. All the brains in America just wanted one thing: make money. And money. And more money. Maddona is their goddess, Schwarzenneger their superman, Michael Jordan the hope of the blacks, and entertainment the ultimate value of life, kicking and bullying everyone that is on your own path of success.

    Now you have a person stealing you your elections and shatter your country, what do you do? Riot? No!

    You go to the cinema and watch “oh so naughty 9/11 fahrenheit”
    You boo him in your leathered sofa.
    You make children’s laughter while watching Daily News with John Stewart (how rebel of you!)

    Meanhwile millions die.

    So don’t try to persuade anyone it’s not your fault. It is, period. Know why Hitler won the elections?

    Cause nobody cared. Like most of you don’t.

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